How can you live like That if you only wanted to dance?

in writting •  4 months ago


    How can you live like this? Sometimes I wonder how some people can live in a more or less normal way with that level of stress. People, like me at some times in my life, who live thinking about everything all the time. But come back...!! Commit the pot all the time for absolutely everything that happens to you. Rack your brains in case you've raised your tone a little too much when speaking to that person. Think about whether that word you said was used correctly in that sentence. Go half crazy wondering if that expression on your partner's part meant something or if only you thought that perhaps he or she did it willingly and with that intention. Because that dog barked at you when you passed by him when you always get along so well with all dogs.

    I am reading a very good book that has reminded me of this type of situations. It's called "I Just Wanted to Dance" by Greta García, I think her name is. Sevillian like me. He dares to write in Andalusian and it fits him like a god. Now, you have to have been in Seville for at least a few weeks to understand many things... The book tells the life of a girl who is imprisoned in a prison because of bureaucracy. The girl in question is one of those people who literally cannot stop thinking at any time. It doesn't stop. Everything Everything everything!! As a comedy, he captures Pili's mental wanderings and you'll honestly laugh out loud... Especially if at some point in your life you've spent one of those times I was talking about before giving exaggerated thoughts to every fucking thing. He does the process of putting you in his skin and putting you in similar circumstances very well, so that the novel becomes much more than light and pleasant. Look it up if you want to have a good time reading. I assure you that you will enjoy it.

    The point is that the book brings to mind how bad we put ourselves through so many times. Some of us are one of those people who, that word that has become so fashionable in some social networks now, continually overthink. That ends up turning you into a fucking human nerve that doesn't stop. He doesn't let him rest for a single moment. If you also add two or three very common ingredients to any life, you can really end up needing help from a therapist three times a month. I think and rethink about the times I have had one of those times. Sometimes it seems that the quiet periods of time between these stages are small intervals that give you encouragement to move forward. Because almost, if you think about it, you spend more time in those stages of stress than in your intermissions for commercials. And yes, that way it becomes quite complicated not just to have a normal life... But to maintain logic in your work, to have a personal relationship with someone without killing them in the attempt, even going to make the fucking purchase can become a a TV movie Odyssey.

    And again I ask myself...first: am I one of those people?? And second: how the hell can you manage to maintain a normal life...quiet...and even more so if possible... Having the misfortune of having grown up overthinking every little detail of your, in the end so insignificant, life . How can people like me even halfway integrate into this fast-paced and impatient society without ending up in jail like Pili for any stupid thing?

    And ultimately, the answers are simple, as always. Yes, I am one of those people. Tell my girlfriend, the poor thing needs to be given three statues for putting up with me every day. Yes, she also has her own thing... Don't jump to conclusions so quickly. But yes, it is also the pure me it becomes law with that expression that we like to use so much in this area..." It's just that you are to be fed separately." And the second answer... Can you live like this? Of course!! I do it almost every day. Almost every minute of the day. Almost every day of my life so far. But at the same time... I have crow's feet that stay with me. Bags under the eyes that look like something out of a cartoonist. And yes, blood pressure through the roof. They will be part of the job. But at the same time.... I like being like that. I feel real. I feel great for feeling and overthinking so much. I feel so much more than authentic. And I try to handle it without bothering anyone too much every day. Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!


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