Vox Infernalis - 001

in writingclub •  2 months ago

    **Somewhere in the universe…**

    The Milky Way in all its splendor is visible in the background, and the stars twinkle in the darkness of space as strange figures gather on a flat plain of a barren planet or moon. A faint but steady drumming forms the backdrop.

    Huitzilopochtli: Humans have forgotten us and no longer worship us. We must destroy them as punishment!

    The giant god with a horned jaguar head, wings, and claw-like feet bellows. Suddenly, his belly opens up, revealing a huge mouth full of teeth, hungrily licking. But the large, feathered serpent with clawed arms vigorously shakes its head.

    **Quetzalcoatl: “And then what? Then truly no one will worship us. Like humans, we must continue to evolve. The world is not the same as it once was. Besides, you have already fought against the other gods... and lost. Waving a staff in threat will not get us anywhere.”**

    A stocky man with magnificent feathers on his head and green skin nods in agreement and sighs.

    **Tlaloc: “I too had to realize that human sacrifices have become pointless. We must show this humanity in a way other than with lightning, floods, wars, or diseases that we still exist.”**

    Now a beautiful, pale, and serious-looking woman, noticeable for her magnificent feathered headdress and body, steps forward.

    **Metztli: “That's right. Most people take my essence, the moon, seriously and acknowledge its existence, which means I am eternally connected to them. Maybe it won't work with belief, prayers, and threats, but with science, logic, and patience. Today, people all over the earth are connected with their technologies. We should take advantage of that. They love drama, shock, violence, blood, and sex.”**

    The Aztec gods look at each other and greatly appreciate this statement.

    **Huitzilopochtli: “There is a martial art that was designed by their ancestors when they still worshipped us and still exists to this day... more or less. Lucha Libre. Thousands have learned this craft and practice it... and millions worship this martial art.”**

    __Quetzalcoatl:__ “Then we should create a creature that is similar to them but superior to them. A being that is strong and powerful, but also human, so that people recognize and respect it. Each of us will contribute some characteristics to it, and from that, the creature will emerge. And in this Lucha Libre world, this creature will either destroy these fighters or teach them respect.”

    **Xolotl: “And we will bring a touch of death to this creature. Nothing is more impressive than feeling... and spreading fear.”**

    This creaky voice belongs to an aberration of an unnaturally skeletal figure with a bloody dog head, grinning as he swings his axe.

    **Xolotl: “Our former capitals were overrun and desecrated by Spanish conquistadors, so let us use their tools against them. This figure shall bear Vox Infernalis... the voice of hell, in the most sacred language of humans.”**

    He cackles, and the other gods nod in agreement one by one. Then the chief god stamps his foot once on the dusty ground, and all immediately fall silent. Then he closes his eyes and nods thoughtfully.

    **Quetzalcoatl: “So be it. Then this creature shall be our La Fuerza de los Aztecas.”**

    _**Five years ago…**_

    Deep within the Moon Pyramid in Teotihuacán, in the unexplored part of the huge building, the ancient torches suddenly light up, illuminating a chamber of catacombs containing an empty basin. Dozens of speckled skulls and bones are deposited around the edges of this basin, giving the room a creepy appearance, supported by ominous and indistinct wall paintings.

    Suddenly, a dripping sound is heard, which becomes louder and louder! And then the basin fills with blood-red liquid, slowly but steadily.

    Finally, there is silence in the chamber for a few seconds until something emerges from the liquid: first a bloody head, then long black hair, a skull-shaped mask, then the torso of a muscular woman, adorned with tribal patterns covering the breasts and groin area. Nevertheless, the woman rising from the pool is completely naked.

    Slowly, this woman moves to the edge of the basin, then majestically rises completely out of the basin, while the liquid blood slowly drips down her skin.

    Then, with a long sigh, La Fuerza de los Aztecas becomes fully alive…


    _**Tokyo, Japan**_

    A loud roar is heard over the skyline of Tokyo, with the majestic Mount Fuji in the background, announcing an extremely unusual flying object. At first glance, it appears to be a small normal transport aircraft with two jet engines under the wings, but aircraft enthusiasts will be greatly surprised to discover that it is actually a Dornier Do-31.

    The special feature of this model becomes immediately apparent as the aircraft approaches a particular skyscraper, which has a helicopter landing pad on the roof, and seems to want to fly over it. But then the aircraft slows down more and more, without falling or crashing!

    After a few seconds, the aircraft actually begins to hover over the empty helicopter landing pad, while dust and dirt are blown away with such force under the loud, unique noise of the VTOL engines!

    Calmly and safely, the strange aircraft sets down, and as the jet engines and small jets at the wingtips gradually wind down with a diminishing howl, two serious-looking Japanese men in suits appear on the helicopter landing pad.

    If the two Japanese men were familiar with aircraft, they would quickly recognize that it is a significantly modified model of the aircraft that first flew in 1967. It has a completely new cockpit, large windows on the sides, and more modern engines, and is clad in matte white with a blue beltline; the stylized falcon logo of Falcon Steel AG adorns the rudder.

    Finally, a door on the fuselage opens, and first a person emerges, who turns out to be a tall woman wearing a long coat and fedora, partially hiding her blonde hair. In one of her gloved hands, she holds a Samsonite suitcase.

    She takes a few steps toward the two Japanese men, who observe the whole thing restrained and wordless.

    **“For the fees…”**

    Says the woman in English and hands the suitcase to the two men, which is immediately received. As the woman is known in the world of entrepreneurs and businesspeople as a trustworthy person, no one makes any attempt to open the suitcase and check its contents. They know that the suitcase will contain several bundles of yen notes. Money solves everything, even pandemic entry bans.

    **“Welcome to Tokyo, Ms. Falcon. Please enjoy our traditional Japanese hospitality. In our house, you and your companions can rest and enjoy our delicacies for as long as you wish.”**

    **“Thank you. I know my way around here, I have had the pleasure of enjoying your hospitality several times.”**

    Both Japanese men smile and bow. The woman responds with a hint of a bow. Without further words, the two Japanese men withdraw into the interior of the skyscraper and leave Irene Falcon alone.

    But not for long, as a significantly larger and more muscular woman also exits the plane, forming a stark contrast to the serious-looking businesswoman, not only in size and physical strength but also in her long black dreadlocks and a mask resembling a skull.

    **"Vox Infernalis. Tokyo is our next stop, where you will perform internationally for the first time. You finally get a world stage..."**

    Falcon gestures with a brief hand motion towards the concrete landscape of the sprawling metropolis, stretching in all directions. The large woman, wearing a billowing, weathered poncho, follows Falcon's hand and also gazes down at the city, expressionless and silent.

    **"... a world stage where you can slaughter and tear apart your opponents. Let's go. There is much work to be done."**

    ! [Click to reveal] Summary: This blog describes a meeting of Aztec gods who feel neglected by humanity and contemplate punishment. However, they realize that times have changed and traditional methods no longer work. Instead, they decide to leverage modern technology and human interests, particularly in entertainment like Lucha Libre wrestling. They plan to create a powerful creature to assert their presence, incorporating elements of death and fear. Fast forward to the present day, Irene Falcon arrives in Tokyo with her companion, Vox Infernalis, to showcase the creature's abilities on an international stage. The narrative then shifts to the setting of Tokyo, where Falcon and her companion prepare to make their mark, symbolizing the intersection of ancient mythology and modern technology.

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