I Like to Write about LIFE!

in writing •  2 months ago

    I Like to Write about life. You know, real shit. The stuff that happens to us every single day as we as we take step after step on the treadmill of bullcrap and bounty that we face every single day.

    Stuff that makes you ponder and think, giving you something to chew on, and who knows, maybe even change your mind about a subject.

    Cause God knows, we don't need yet another post about the blockchain, or web3, a cookie-cutter rah rah Hive is great post, or the eleven-twelve-thousandth article about DeFi.

    You can almost picture hundreds of little Elves chained to long wooden tables, churning that crap out day after day.

    Too much of that'll make scales grow on your eyelids. Aren't you guys tired of all that shit?

    I want to read (and write) stuff that inspires me, and will hopefully do the same to everyone else.

    It's nice to read something that breaks the mold, yet acts as a snapshot that we can all relate to. Things that swirl up the tensions in life that we deal with every day. Creative ways to solve knotty problems. A thought that illuminates a minority opinion in a fresh new way.

    That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about.

    "Tell Me More"

    I'm a damn good listener, and know just how to keep a conversation going with a well-placed "tell me more." I've shared about how I interviewed a hooker when I was in my teens. She had a heart of gold, and was only too willing to tell her account of how she came to be employed in "The world's oldest profession." I wasn't judgmental either. I was fascinated, and just honestly wanted to know how it all came together for her and how the whole process worked.

    To really do this right, you have to have a curious mind. I love people with strong opinions, even more so if they're quirky and in the minority and out of the ordinary.

    These sort of posts may not trend here, but that's not the point. I guess I'm writing them mostly for myself, and in order to get them out into the world so that I can germinate the next one.

    That's what the creative process is all about. Taking that empty Notepad page and filling it with content, one word at a time.

    There's a guy here that writes about life out in the country, and I love reading his posts because they're about REAL LIFE.

    Know what I mean?

    It's such a refreshing difference to the same old, same old, that I gobble them up whenever I see them. Courtney Love said 'Live Through This' and that's exactly what I do when I both read and write.

    Who knows who might read something you wrote ten years down the line and find that it helps them get through a knotty situation in their life? That's the kind of impact you want as a writer.

    Does it scratch that itch in that hard-to-reach place? Will it tease an idea buried within the brain allowing it to grow into a meaningful solution to one of life's myriad of problems? Gimme real life, because that's what I write for.

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