Two wrongs don't make a right

in writing •  4 months ago

    I have seen so many people do unto others what was done to them, paying evil with evil, with the popular saying "an eye for an eye"

    But do you know paying evil with evil is really a bad thing?

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    I remember telling this to someone, and she said "paying good with good is right, but paying evil with evil is bad" why is it so she asked.

    Well, I'd say the good we do comes back to us in folds, same as the bad things we do.

    Whatever we do, will always come back to us, just as the saying

    what you sow you shall reap

    When you do good to others, you don't have to expect something in return, and you don't necessarily have to get something in return.

    The fact that Mr A helped mr B does not mean Mr B is under the compulsion to return the favor, Mr D who was never in the picture might be the one to end up paying mr A back for the help he rendered to mr B.

    Are you following?

    Now think about the hurt that was done to you, do you really have to cause that person who hurt you the same pain?
    Will it make you a better person if you hurt them back?

    Okay let's assume mr A intentionally caused mr B to lose a business deal, if mr B also decides to cause mr A to also lose a deal, or does something even much worse to him, will that help him get back the deal he lost? Will it make him happy and at peace with himself?

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    The truth is No, hurting a person because that person has hurt you doesn't make you a better person, as a matter of fact, you won't feel satisfied even and happiness will definitely be far from it.

    So let me tell you a story about two lovers, the lady is someone who likes to whatever her boyfriend does, whenever her boyfriend forgets to call her and check up on her, she'd not call him too, pretending she shas forgotten as well, whenever she see her man talking to another woman, she'll also go as far as calling a male friend over, just so her man can see her talking to him.

    It went on for a long time in their relationship, and things weren't cool between them.

    One day, the guy was suffering an attack, he fell on the floor and was trying to reach his phone, luckily for him, his babe's call came through, he struggled to reach the phone and finally had the phone in his hands, but the call had ended. (Gasping for air) He called her back numerous times, but because this lady has the attitude of always paying evil with evil, she refused to answer the call, left the phone in the room and went straight into the living room to play some music and dance.

    The guy thought of calling someone else, but before he could, he became short of breathe and lost his life in the process.

    How do you think the lady must have felt after hearing about his demise, knowing she could have at least gotten a little chance to save him, but couldn't due to her bad habit. She was broken and ultimately blames herself for his death till date.

    I hope you have learned one or two today.
    Two wrongs never make a right.

    Thanks for reading through.

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