The Question of Chemtrails

in writing •  5 months ago


    The above image was made by @amberjyang with Midjourney using the prompt 'line drawing, splash of color, people seeking higher guidance in a sky full of chemtrails.'

    Yesterday I posted a new issue of Free Mind Gazette on Substack. Titled 'A Book that Changed My Life,' the piece includes material from this blog along with some original stuff. It looks at the book Changing Images of Man and considers ideas like the need for higher guidance throughout society and the possibility of a mass breakthrough.

    The other day I woke up to a beautiful sunny day with clear blue skies. Around noon, I watched as the trails from several airplanes drew straight white lines across this beautiful sky. Over the next few hours, these white lines expanded to form clouds, transforming the bright day into something more gloomy and overcast. This same thing happens often in cities all over the world.

    It starts off as a clear day, but then airplanes fly over and their exhaust trails become cloud cover. Some sunlight is prevented from hitting the Earth by this process, making it theoretically useful for geoengineering purposes. Maybe the pollution from all of those airplanes is helping us fight global warming by blocking the sun. Hopefully that's what's happening. Hopefully the artificial clouds are part of a deliberate global conspiracy and not just accidental byproducts of human stupidity.

    There is evidence that governments have experimented extensively with influencing the weather and spraying chemicals over populations for various reasons. So a global geoengineering conspiracy may not be as far fetched as it first sounds. Yet it's hard to imaging global elites secretly getting together to coordinate the production of artificial clouds. If elites were coordinating to fight global warming like that, they'd publicize the effort widely, ensuring that everyone knew that they were sparing no expense to fight climate change.

    Of course, the whole idea of trying to fix the climate by tinkering with the atmosphere is dangerously naive. The climate is obviously changing. Species are going extinct. Pesticides and industrial contamination are compromising biology. Microplastics are now everywhere, including in the rain.

    In light of these things, the carbon credit schemes being introduced by the powers that be are at best a distraction. They want us focused on carbon. We should instead be focused on life.

    Popular environmental writers like George Monbiot speak out against wood stoves and animal protein while supporting radical measures to curb carbon emissions. Here's Monbiot talking about a book on that:

    He argues that by ruling out violence and sabotage, those of us who seek to defend the habitable planet are fighting with our hands tied behind our backs. He urges us to develop a "radical flank", prepared to demolish, burn, blow up or use "any other means necessary” against "CO2-emitting property".

    Though I don't advocate sabotage, my position is perhaps more radical. I'm not at all convinced that curbing carbon emissions will do what scientists predict. While we should definitely curb emissions to improve air quality, this seems like just a small part of a much more comprehensive regeneration of our lands, waters, and skies that needs to take place. A good first step here might be to stop paving everything and spraying poison everywhere. Maybe plant some flowers and trees.

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    • History and the Machine is a 20 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on my series of oil paintings of interesting people from history.
    • Artifacts of Mind Control is a 15 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on declassified CIA documents from the MKULTRA program.
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