Un Delicioso sueño de sabor y emociones // A Delicious dream of flavor and emotions [ESP//Eng]

in writing •  3 months ago

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    Hace vários años atrás todavía era yo un niño, recuerdo mi madre trabajaba como ama de casa (limpiaba y a veces cocinaba, lavaba y planchaba la ropa en casas de familia), cuando yo no iba a la escuela por alguna razón me llevaba con ella a su trabajo, algunas de las casa donde iba eran bastantes lujosas otros menos, pero siempre eran bonitas de acuerdo a lo que yo recuerdo, mi madre para distraerme encendía la tv y me ponía el canal de los cómics, o yo tomaba el control y pasaba todos los canales, aunque todavía lo hago y ya no veía cosas interesantes, muchas veces me aburría, en otras oportunidades a veces habían otros niños algunos contemporáneos otras aún mayores que yo y era más divertido, compartía con los niños jugaba y de más mientras mi madre terminaba los oficios.

    Un día de esos que estaba con mi madre en su trabajo salíamos de una de las casas, esa era muy bonita recuerdo bien, y ya sabran el porqué, se ubicaba en una zona de familias digamos adineradas, y muy cerca de ahí se encontraba un centro comercial (hoy en día aún está el centro comercial), fuimos y paseabamos, muy alegre yo estaba viendo jueguetes y dulces, con poco dinero para lo necesario de casa mi madre no podía complacerme con lo que yo quería,

    Y sabes de lo que me habia antojado?

    De un soculento y delicioso pastel (torta) de chocolate se veía muy rico (que se veía porque nunca pude probar ese pastel), recuerdo bien que ese día me entristecí mucho, eran tantas las ganas que tenia de comerlo me encanta el chocolate en muchas presentaciones, mi madre no me lo compro. Cómo siempre, ella como madre se las arreglaba para hacerme felíz, se hacía tarde y nos fuimos a la casa, ese día llegamos y me recordé del pastel (como le decimos acá; torta) casi me saboreaba los labios y se me hacía agua la boca, recordaba e imaginaba el mejor pastel que mis ojos podían haber visto ese día.

    Ya había caído la noche y llegó la hora de dormir,

    Y sabes que?

    Sabes que paso mientras dormia?

    Un sueño amigo de Hiver, estaba soñando que mi madre preparaba un pastel de chocolates y yo estaba emocionado mientras la miraba tan hermosa y esperando ese pastel, llegó el momento y lo había terminado, al sacar el pastel del horno visualmente no era como el del centro comercial, pero si era de chocolate, al fin pude comerlo y probar el pastel que hizo mi madre fue una sensación, un sabor di-vi-no, me lo disfrute como nadie y como nunca, pero solo en mis sueños.

    Muchas gracias por leerme y llegar hasta aquí en está breve y gran historia, vivida por mí.

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    English Version

    A Delicious dream of flavor and emotions.

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    Several years ago I was still a child, I remember my mother worked as a housewife (she cleaned and sometimes cooked, washed and ironed clothes in family homes), when I was not going to school for some reason she took me with her to her work, some of the houses where she went were quite luxurious others less, but they were always nice according to what I remember, My mother to distract me would turn on the TV and put me on the comic channel, or I would take the control and turn all the channels, although I still do it and I did not see interesting things, many times I got bored, at other times sometimes there were other children some contemporary others even older than me and it was more fun, I would share with the children I played and more while my mother finished the crafts.

    One of those days when I was with my mother at work we left one of the houses, it was very nice, I remember well, and you will know why, it was located in an area of wealthy families, and very close to there was a shopping center (today there is still the mall), we went and walked around, very happy I was seeing toys and candy, with little money for what was needed at home my mother could not please me with what I wanted,

    And do you know what I was craving for?

    Of a delicious and succulent chocolate cake (torta) it looked very rich (which it looked because I could never try that cake), I remember well that day I was very sad, I wanted to eat it so much, I love chocolate in many presentations, my mother did not buy it for me. As always, she as a mother managed to make me happy, it was getting late and we went home, that day we arrived and I remembered the cake (as we say here; cake) I almost tasted my lips and my mouth was watering, I remembered and imagined the best cake that my eyes could have seen that day.

    Night had fallen and it was time to go to sleep,

    And you know what?

    You know what happened while I was sleeping?

    A dream Hiver friend, I was dreaming that my mother was preparing a chocolate cake and I was excited while I was looking at her so beautiful and waiting for that cake, the time came and I had finished it, when I took the cake out of the oven visually it was not like the one in the mall, but it was chocolate, finally I could eat it and taste the cake that my mother made was a sensation, a di-vi-no taste, I enjoyed it like no one and like never before, but only in my dreams.

    Thank you very much for reading this short and great story, lived by me.

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