in writers •  2 months ago

    Tuesday afternoon, lying in my bed looking at the ceiling, my mind wandered about whether to go or not.

    On the one hand I wanted to see him, I wanted to know that he was okay and to be calmer; On the other hand, my pride told me, don't be stupid, he doesn't love you, he doesn't care about you.

    It was already 7 in the afternoon, the appointment was at 9, my cell phone rang in a message tone, it was him... will you come?

    I didn't know what to answer, I didn't want to show interest.

    I got into the shower, I knew that my desire to see him was greater than my pride, when I left the bathroom I answered the message saying a simple "yes, see you there ♥️"

    I got ready a little, made up my cheeks and my eyelashes, put on a little lipstick, something simple, I chose black and lace underwear, I knew it drove him crazy. It's just in case, I told myself, I put on a black capri and a white blouse with a "v" neckline that highlighted my breasts, and black high-heeled shoes. It's summer, so I don't need any coats.

    I left the house until I got to my car, I stayed thinking with my hands on the wheel for a while, I was still undecided, I leaned my head on the seat and thought about it a little, finally I started the car and left for my favorite restaurant , an Italian food restaurant, if I didn't come again at least I would eat deliciously.

    I got to the parking lot and looked among the cars for his car, it wasn't there. I went down and headed inside, I chose a table next to the large glass window that overlooked the street, the waiter came over and gave me the menu, I told him I was waiting for someone and I would order until he arrived, he just nodded and told me I ask if nothing was offered to me.

    I just denied and thanked him. A little more than half an hour passed and I received the message from him...

    "Are you already in the place?" - a sigh came out of me, this did not look good, I responded immediately - "yes, I arrived a while ago" - I called the waiter and asked him for a bottle of wine to accompany my pasta. .

    • A Pinot Blanc please.

    • Very well, just that miss?

    • For the moment yes, thank you.

    "I'll be back now," he told me and turned around to bring my order.

    I took my cell phone and sent him a new message "just tell me if you're coming or not, I don't want to wait too long for you like last time."

    The waiter returned with the wine and served me a glass, I just thanked without even turning to look at him.

    The message notification distracted me from taking the first sip of my glass, I put it back on the table and looked at the screen, I couldn't believe it or maybe I did, he did it again.

    "Forgive me, I really wanted to get there, but I had an unforeseen event at the office and I have to stay longer, I have to hand in the project on Monday and I'm not even halfway done"
    I really couldn't believe it, he was the one who insisted, who begged me to come, I no longer wanted to continue getting my hopes up in vain and like a fool I fell again.

    I took my glass and drank it all in one go, I took the bottle, refilled my glass, called the waiter and told him I would order my dinner.

    -I want a pasta alfredo with shrimp and broccoli-I took my glass again and drank the contents, I was about to take the bottle again but I turned to look at him when I felt his hand on mine trying to take it and do it himself.

    • Is it just the pasta? - He asked me as he looked me straight in the eyes, I felt a little confused, I don't know if because of what I had already taken and the speed at which I did it, or because of the depth of his black eyes looking at me with some... how to say it...curiosity?

    • Sorry? - I told him somewhat confused.

    -I only ask in case he is not going to wait for his companion.

    • No, it will just be that - I looked down at my glass and he left.

    I looked towards the street through the large window, the view was very beautiful, the city lights gave a romantic touch to that place, it was on the second floor where my table was located.

    But even with that, it also gave it a nostalgic touch or it was just the way I felt, a feeling that was not new to me.

    The relationship I had with Oscar, well if you can call it a relationship since he only had time for his work, he always had things to do related to him and although I also worked, I did not understand that he only lived to work and it was always me who was in second place.

    We had been dating for almost two years, 4 months after starting our dates he asked me to be his girlfriend, I was happy, I liked that man a lot, medium height and thin, green eyes, quite handsome to look at, intelligent and responsible, I think that last was what was ruining our relationship.

    The obsession with work was too much, I couldn't call it anything else, the times we went out were few or almost non-existent, I didn't even visit his family, his mother knew about him through me, this situation honestly had me fed up

    I thought about all that with my gaze lost in the city lights and with my glass in hand sipping from time to time.

    -Here is his order-his voice came out with caution as if he did not want to interrupt my thoughts.

    "Thank you," I answered, looking at him again into those black eyes that stood out in his manly face with slightly dark skin, with a short, well-kept beard.

    • Anything else that can help you? -He asked me as if he knew that he needed comfort or at least to talk to someone because of how he felt about me.

    • All good thanks.

    He retired and I prepared to eat my dinner, mmm it's delicious, I thought at the same time that he closed his eyes to savor more deeply the flavor of that exquisiteness.

    I ate and drank slowly, savoring my dinner while getting lost in the view of the city.

    I finished my pasta and continued with a couple more drinks, it was already a little more than half a bottle that I had consumed thinking about what I would do.

    Yes, I had been thinking about it several weeks ago and today I had decided, I would end up with Oscar.

    I asked for the bill to leave, I paid it and left the place, the wine did take its toll on me, I felt somewhat encouraged but not as I would have liked so as not to feel my pride trampled.

    I looked in my bag for my car keys, looked to the right and nothing, then further down, they were gone! where are they? It couldn't be, I couldn't find them.

    I didn't want to see inside the car, I didn't want to see the obvious and have to take a taxi home. I finally did it, just to confirm that I actually left them glued to the inside.

    That's all I was missing, it was almost 11 at night, the place was sparse, very few cars were in the parking lot in front of the place, I think I was almost the last person to leave that restaurant.

    Well, all that's left is to call a taxi, I took out my phone and when I tried to unlock it, nooo, this can't be happening to me, no battery? That's too much. I was on the verge of desperation.

    • All good? - I heard a voice behind me.

    With my eyes on the ground and my index finger on my temple I turned around to see who was talking to me, I was on the verge of screaming and cursing my luck. If only I had stayed at home watching a movie on Netflix.

    Look up at the owner of that voice, there is no way! I thought, it's the waiter who served me, he must be thinking about how pathetic I look after realizing that my appointment didn't arrive and that I'm going crazy in the parking lot.

    He was standing there, he was wearing blue jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt, he was no longer wearing his work uniform, he looked a little stockier, he was tall, and in that outfit he looked more like a bad boy than a waiter.

    -May I help you? He told me when he saw that I didn't answer his first question, breaking me out of my crazy thoughts.

    • This... no... thank you - I didn't sound very convincing.

    "Are you sure?" He insisted.

    • Okay, yes. It turns out that I left the keys inside my car - I told him with some bitterness and shame - I think if you can help me - I told him.

    • Sure, tell me.

    • Could you order a taxi for me please? - I looked at him with pleading eyes.

    "I have a better idea, I could take you," he told me with a smile that looked fucking S3x1.

    But what's wrong with me? How could he be thinking that right now? I don't think I'll drink that wine again.

    • Oh no, I don't want to cause problems, just the taxi, what happened is that my phone ran out of battery - I told him while shaking my dead cell phone with my hand.

    "It's not a problem, really, let me help you," he told me, looking at me with those deep black eyes and a little more serious, "I wouldn't feel calm if you went by taxi at such a late hour."

    I wasn't sure, once again on this day where I didn't know what to do and the first time I didn't make the best decision.

    "Okay," I said, a little embarrassed and doubtful of what I had decided. "Where is your car?"

    • This... I don't have a car, I'm more... how should I put it? ...two wheels," he told me, shrugging his shoulders.
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