Consult me

in world •  5 months ago

    I don't really know what Croatia is up to but they seem adamant to try and get into my Microsoft account.

    On an unrelated note, here is the rest of this post:

    I have always figured being a consultant is a bullshit job. Just because frankly their problem area is well defined, kinda like oh I don't know a search term.

    Then the ones who are supposed Guru's always come from problem areas that are ambiguous - "How to be make more money", anyone?

    So on one side of the coin you have people who get paid because Google fucked up or you have people get paid because their customers are fucked up.

    Which seems like a great opportunity right.

    Consulting is why our countries are so great for example. It brings the best of the best together and no single mind can compete, they solve problems and if not that at least help create a problem to be solved.

    It is business after all.

    A group of vultures have a few names which depend on what they are doing, the most obvious in this case would be a committee.

    Committees in all their forms are usually nothing more, and any group of people in a position of directing things without being directly affected by it tend to always be vultures. So I rest my case.

    Ok I never made my case but you get the point.

    I don't think I understand the point of allowing smaller groups to represent bigger groups beyond the fact that it solves a logistics problem.

    Now I guess it should be said that the smaller group will be more knowledgeable, because of this the problem gets solved because the problem space is smaller for them and it does not get smaller just because you put a thousand idiots together over 10 geniuses.


    Then the problem still stands that the information used and generated by the smaller group is almost always hidden. Their solutions and answers are just facades used to control.

    Now I guess there is no getting around the Gov secrets cause you know there are many Gov's and they are all morons who think their country is some kind of special place.

    So in the end the conclusion is that the world is run by consultants and it takes a special kind of egomaniac to be one.

    **obviously at a world level, I think the general "Oh you know what would work Mr. Johnson is some Google ads" types are not really a threat to anyone.

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