Make sure you attend the International Festival of Whistleblowing, Dissent and Accountability (May 8)

in whistleblowers •  3 months ago

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    Something special this weekend!

    Prepare yourself for this Saturday, the 8th of May. You will experience an enlightening journey into the heart of some of the world's most grave injustices. Through, art, music, film & theatre as well as practical workshops, panels, interviews and mini-lectures we pause to reflect on how we find out about these injustices, what price was paid for the truth and by whom, how these grave circumstances are understood, spun and reported, and what can be done to facilitate justice.

    Full schedule in pdf format:

    The lobby will be open and accessible at anytime from 8th May at 7:45 AM BST, 8:45 AM CET.

    Find the lobby here:

    Featuring the following contributors and speakers:

    Sami Al-Arian, Academic
    Michael Albert, Author and activist
    Mads Andenæs, Lawyer
    Diani Barreto, Painter and activist
    Somerset Bean, Graphic designer
    Max Blumenthal, Investigative journalist and author
    Jonathan Cook, Journalist and author
    John Christensen, Tax justice campaigner
    Eileen Chubb, Whistleblower and founder of Compassion in Care
    Marjorie Cohn, Lawyer, academic and writer
    Michel Collon, Author and journalist
    Naomi Colvin, Whistleblower advocate
    Clare Daly, Politician and Irish MEP
    Viktor Dedaj, Author and activist
    Kareem Dennis (Lowkey), Rapper and activist
    John Doe, Hacktivist
    Davide Dormino, Sculptor
    Suelette Dreyfus, Technology researcher, journalist and writer
    Rod Driver, Writer
    Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers whistleblower
    Andrew Feinstein, Writer, campaigner and former politician
    Denzil Forrester, Artist
    Marianna Fotaki, Academic and public health expert
    Andrew Fowler, Investigative journalist
    Nathaniel Frank, Source protector and facilitator
    Nathan Fuller, Writer and campaigner
    John Furse, Filmmaker
    George Galloway, Politician, broadcaster and writer
    Chamira Gamage, Campaigner and entrepreneur
    Martin Garbus, Attorney and author
    Cristina Godoy-Navarrete, Human rights activist
    Kevin Gosztola, Journalist and filmmaker
    Deepa Govindarajan Driver, Academic and trade unionist
    Tareq Haddad, Writer and investigative journalist
    Nicky Hager, Author and investigative journalist
    Jeremy Hammond, Hactivist
    Charles Hector, Lawyer and human rights activist
    Nancy Hollander, Lawyer
    Selma James, Writer and activist
    Lissa Johnson, Psychologist and writer
    Eva Joly, Lawyer and former magistrate and politician
    John Jones, Journalist
    Ögmundur Jónasson, Politician and former interior minister of Iceland
    Torsten Jurell, Visual artist
    Peter Kennard, Artist and professor of visual art
    Kate Kenny, Academic specialising in whistleblowing
    John Kiriakou, Author and CIA whistleblower
    Niki Konstantinidou, Screenwriter, lawyer and novelist
    Niels Ladefoged, Filmmaker
    Richard Lahuis, Photographer
    Joe Lauria, Journalist and author
    Lisa Longstaff, Women's rights activist
    Clara López Rubio, Filmmaker
    Lauri Love, Activist and technology expert
    David McBride, Lawyer and whistleblower
    Ray McGovern, Activist and former CIA officer
    Alan MacLeod, Journalist
    Franck Magennis, Lawyer and activist
    Stefania Maurizi, Investigative journalist
    Barbara Meister, Journalist and author
    Nils Melzer, Lawyer
    David Miller, Academic
    Federica Morelli, Journalist and activist
    Moritz Mueller, Journalist
    Iain Munro, Academic
    Craig Murray, Author, journalist and human rights activist
    Fidel Narvaez, Human rights activist
    Peter Oborne, Journalist
    Mohamedou Ould Slahi, Former Guantanamo detainee, engineer and writer
    Iain Overton, Investigative journalist
    Jose Passarelli, Filmmaker and animator
    Juan Passarelli, Filmmaker
    John Pilger, Journalist and author
    Margaret Prescod, Author and radio host
    Sami Ramadani, Academic and anti-war activist
    Afshin Rattansi, Journalist
    Margaret Ratner Kunstler, Attorney and author
    John Rees, Anti-war activist and journalist
    Piers Robinson, Academic
    Stephen Rohde, Writer and political activist
    Maggie Ronayne, Academic, trade unionist and women's rights campaigner
    John Russell, Academic and artist
    Arne Ruth, Retired editor
    Justin Schlosberg, Academic and media activist
    Prem Sikka, Academic and tax justice campaigner
    Norman Solomon, Journalist
    Jeffrey Sterling, Lawyer and CIA whistleblower
    Serena Tinari, Investigative journalist
    Fred Turnheim, Journalist and academic
    Cathy Vogan, Journalist and academic
    Sam Weinstein, Social justice campaigner and trade unionist
    Chris Williamson, Politician
    Asa Winstanley, Journalist
    Andy Worthington, Journalist
    And more.

    Find all the details on the event page:

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