#WednesdayWalk - Spring in the Park!

in wednesdaywalk •  4 months ago


    Humpday is the perfect day to go out for a walk with the camera you always have on you. Plenty of work to do but spring seems to be prematurely springing so let's Wednesday Walk! Championed by our friend @tattoodjay and the Make me Smile Collaboration challenge lead by @elizacheng, this is for everyone.

    This week, I am up & out in the park on a mild day, and headed to a brewery later on!


    Finally Spring?


    This hump day, I had such a full slate of work and finance tasks, it would have been easy to stay put an get my shoulder to that wheel. My friend @tatdt reminded me what day it was and the dog seconded the motion so it was off to the park for me.


    Definitely starting to see little splashes of green and signs of spring. Little patches of this moss which might be Homalothecium philippeanum scattered among the trees.


    These little bits of green sure do evoke happiness for the coming warm season and remind me again why it was good to get out and enjoy a wedswalk


    Birdhouse tree is stretching to soak in the sun rays and you can actually see little buds starting to pop on the end of the branches.

    Some trees are not doing as well as birdhouse tree. This one has seen better days, was trimmed last year, and will probably be taken down when the city gets around to it. A shame too because this would be a great home for bats, right in the middle of mosquitoville.


    The snow has vanished, actually probably migrated down to @davedickeyyall's neck of the woods. Still a little soggy on some of the paths and I suspect it will be that way a little while longer.


    Little guy doesn't care though. He is up and down them no matter if it is dry or under a foot of water.


    He is on the hunt for these kinds of things. A couple ducks are making an early go at it, most likely looking for some of the first green to much on and a place to next.


    Checking in on the other birdhouse, still looks like some critter is hoarding nesting material in this one. Still not sure if I should clean it out for a new bird or if I would be disturbing a hibernating one.


    And what the hell is this? Curious looking thing is some sort of seed pod on a vine that managed to stay up all winter.


    The sun actually holds a little warmth and temperatures were right around 12 Celsius when this shot was taken. Little guy is still running.


    Brewery Time!


    Next on the agenda was a trip to one of the local breweries to meet up with friends. The place was hopping as the warm weather must have inspired all sorts of people to visit for a spring pint.


    The occasion was a charity trivia night we were invited to. Hive friends will know exactly how easy it was to convince me to visit a brewery for a pint and some social fun. Especially one that has been a client since before it opened.


    Really neat to be sitting among the fermenters and brewing line for these types of events. All that stainless steel almost makes me want to open a brewery of my own! I will stick to enjoying it and reporting to the world for #beersaturday

    Humpday Hike!


    So glad to have been inspired to get out for some fun on an absolutely beautiful day. Here's to all weds walkers. CHEERS!



    Are dogs the perfect Wedswalk inspiration?

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