It's just good for business

in war •  3 days ago

    It’s simply impossible for me to look at the situation in the Middle East and not be cynical about the whole thing. Yes I acknowledge the seriousness of it all, and feel heart broken about the civilians losing their lives over these conflicts, but behind all the rhetoric, all the huffing and puffing, I’m convinced I recognize the hidden hands of old.

    src: Mena Reseach Center

    I have a friend, a good friend, who I love very much who halfway jokingly said to me not long ago. “Hey, these conflicts are bullshit, but we are making good money so…. “

    My initial reaction was that of a man who didn’t expect apple in his Cesar salad, but him being a good friend I kept the snarky remark brewing in my head to myself.

    You see, his wife works for a company that sells metal to military contractors and it seems like she’s making a killing. Directly and indirectly at that. (read that again)

    As the old saying so eloquently says: “Just follow the money”

    You and I can sit here and justify all actions, and we do try, but we all need to learn to accept the bitter fact that in the end of the day, there is no conflict, no crisis, that does not have invisible hands, the hands that are always eating all the cookies while we look the other way.

    What is most bothersome, at least for me, is that today at least, speaking of these matters is not only taboo, but equated to an extreme position of diabolical intent.

    Just recently I witnessed a logical contortion that would make plastic man, the comic super hero, blush with embarrassment.

    Fret not, tax payer, we are providing our allies old weapons and thus clearing out our unusable stock, renovating and upgrading our military might. Spoken like a true psychopath

    The keen observers among you might note the subtle fact that innocent people dying does not seem to appear in the radar for some people, and yet the declaration of our nation's values is part of all demagogues.

    It seems that we can only reach the saddest of conclusions, and bow our heads in bitter acceptance.

    George Carlin was right. It's all bullshit, and the sooner we accept it, the sooner we break away from the Illusion that we are the good guys, the better.

    But I wonder... Where will democracy bomb next?

    After all, it's just good business.


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