in waivio •  4 months ago


    Meet Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba, the 17th-century warrior queen who fearlessly fought against Portuguese colonial rule in modern-day Angola.

    Born into royalty in 1583, Nzinga received an education that set her apart from many of her contemporaries. She was known for her intelligence, charisma, and military prowess, which she used to her advantage when she took the throne in 1624.

    Nzinga was fiercely determined to protect her kingdom from Portuguese aggression, and she proved herself to be a skilled diplomat, negotiator, and military strategist.

    When negotiating with the Portuguese, Nzinga famously refused to sit on the ground, preferring instead to seat herself on the back of a male servant, symbolizing her superiority.

    She was also known for employing unconventional tactics, such as forming alliances with former enemies and employing guerrilla warfare to outwit her opponents.

    Under her leadership, Nzinga not only thwarted Portuguese expansion into her territories, but also successfully expanded her own kingdom through military conquest and diplomatic alliances.

    Here are some more fascinating details about Nzinga that might interest you:

    • Despite being a woman in a male-dominated society, Nzinga used her wit and charm to gain respect from both men and women in her kingdom. She is known to have had several husbands, but also surrounded herself with a female army of her own, known as ‘the Amazons.’

    • In 1622, when her brother the king died, Nzinga was appointed regent and had to fight off her own family members for control of the throne.

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