in voilk •  4 months ago


    Good day, my dearest and supportive hive family! This is @queeniemary, back for another experience. But before that, I would like to share a verse from the Bible that highlights the importance of nature since today I am going to talk about it.

    In Genesis 2:15, God said, "And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it." This means that we have a responsibility to care for nature since God created it. We should love it and give attention to its needs.
    Now, let me share with you my experience of transferring plants. It was such a fulfilling and rewarding activity.


    Since I have some free time, @chimegipamus and I decided to relocate the plants to a new and better location. The plants have been in their current spot for a long time, and they haven't been doing well. So, we thought it would be best to give them a fresh start.

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    First, we prepared all the plants that we were going to transfer. We also lined the new planting area with a new layer of soil to ensure proper drainage and to provide an outlet for excess water.

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    After that, we placed the plants in the new planting area and covered their roots with soil. While I was putting the soil in the new planting area, I really enjoyed the process, even though it made my hands sore. But overall, it was a very enjoyable experience.

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    After I placed the soil in the new planting area, I started transferring the plants. First, I moved the new plants that we recently bought, particularly the beautiful flowers with vibrant colors. After that, I proceeded to relocate the existing plants, specifically the ones that needed a new spot.



    While I was transferring the plants,@chimegipamus also move the other plants because we had a lot to relocate. As we were doing this, we engaged in some enjoyable conversation to brighten our day.

    Once I finished relocating all the plants, I started to water them. It was quite a task because there were many plants, and the soil was filled with moisture. I took my time and watered them slowly to ensure that each plant received enough hydration. My hands got quite dirty and tired from all the work, but it was worth it because we accomplished a lot.


    After a tiring day, @chimegimapus decided to cook us a very delicious meal for dinner. Instead of a traditional Filipino dish, we decided to try something new, so she prepared "fish cake," a Korean dish. Known for her creativity, @chimegimapus added her own twist by cooking the fish cake in a Filipino style. The dish had a striking red color and was incredibly delicious. I'm not sure how she managed to achieve such a delightful taste, as she keeps her secret ingredients to herself.hehhehe

    It is important to remember to love and appreciate nature because it is a gift from God. We are not only here on Earth to live, but also to take care of all of God's creations, including animals and the environment. Even small actions like planting or watering plants can make a significant impact on our natural surroundings.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. I hope you enjoyed it and learned something new. Your support means a lot to me. Thank you, and may God bless you all.

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