My activity | went to the barbershop to get my son's hair cut and bought vegetables and kitchen utensils

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Assalamualaikum wr wb?
    Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are fine wherever you are. On this occasion I will tell you a little about my activities today, early in the morning I of course do my usual work of sweeping, washing clothes and making breakfast because today is the day school holidays, so I don't have to rush to do my homework, my little son also wakes up very early so I play with him and laugh at the cute behavior of such a small child, after that I sit and relax for a while while resting because feeling tired of housework, and I told my husband to accompany me to go to the barber shop to cut my little son's hair which was a little long, and I took a shower getting ready to go, suddenly I wanted to leave my brother came home here because at your place there was a circumcision event for his son, and my brother invited him to go there, I said we'll go later, I want to cut the child's hair first, and I told my brother to rest at my mother's house first, later after I got home we'd go there.


    And I went there, the place was not too far from my village, when I got there I had to queue first because there were still people waiting to get their hair cut, in the middle I sat down I said to my husband, look at our train how dirty it is and I told my husband to take it to the nearest dosmir there to clean our carriage, the queue of children arrived, we continued cutting the children's hair and also accompanied by my husband, my son felt a little ticklish with the hair cutting tool, but he remained strong enough to finish cutting his hair, but I was a little smiled when he saw him, he was very cute, but my son was brave, he didn't cry, he was still relaxed.



    The child is ready to be trimmed, I invited my husband to buy sandals for me and also for the child, everything is complete here, all cosmetic equipment is available here, and I shop at this shop very often, besides, it is very close for me to visit. , I looked here and there for what I needed to buy, and I also bought lipstick because the one at home was about to run out so I had to buy something else, to spare at home before it all ran out, there was some of my shopping here and I finished and paid all the bills, and I immediately went out of the shop to see if my vehicle had been washed, I got there a little walk, it turned out it wasn't ready, he said in a moment, and we had to wait again until my vehicle was finished being washed If my vehicle is dirty, I'm a little lazy about carrying it, so I have to clean it every time it gets dirty, even if it's a little dirty, what needs to be kept clean is because cleanliness is half of faith.


    I also went to the market to buy vegetables and kitchen utensils that I had a little left at home, vegetables for cooking this afternoon, because I didn't know what to cook, because I came home from here I had to go again to my brother's place because there was a circumcision event for his son tomorrow, so Today I want to help with preparations. Tomorrow, other relatives who are far from us also come here to help with food preparation and other things, because tomorrow people will come and eat the food that has been provided, so today I have to prepare to cook early tomorrow morning, because I can't do it tomorrow because I have to prepare a lot of food, and I just came in. The first thing I did was eat 🤣 fill my stomach first then help out, after I finished eating I helped wash a lot of dishes because people were eating just now and also helping others, and I had to go home first because my son was at home sleeping afraid of waking up. This is a short story from me, I hope you like it.


    Thanks you


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