Battle Mage Secrets: Broken Arrow

in voilk •  6 months ago


    Good day everyone splinterlands community, zactian here. Today I'll blog about another weekly challenge, Battle Mage Secrets, and share my strategy.

    What Account Use

    I'll play my Scholar Account (IGN: BLTZR-WIZARD-728). I will reveal my primary technique in this rule set Champion/Diamond League level.

    Challenge Rule set

    Broken Arrows is the challenge, all range units are not usable in this rule set. Publish by the challenge on the official Splinterlands Hive Blog.

    Comment below with your opinions on the potential lineups at this level. Is it effective for this battle ruleset? Let's see and match up with the Broken Arrow rule set.


    Broken Arrow

    All range units will not be used in this battle.


    Rule Set


    Silenced Summoner

    • Summoners do not give any buff or debuffs.

    Super Sneak

    • All melee units will gain the ability of Sneak.

    Broken Arrow

    • All range units will not be used in this battle.

    Recommended summoner to use Broken Arrow for this match:

    Since this is a silence summoner rule set, the best for this battle are any summoner that costs less mana.

    The maximum mana for using summoners and cards in battle is 60. The elements active are Water, Death, and Earth in this battle. I watched the opponent's previous fight and saw that most of their opponents used better cards, certain units were also rather good. I will use Kelya Frendul summoner because most of the units are pretty high in speed with a decent amount of damage and armor.

    Note: I only have limited cards but they are useful in some rule sets and I will try my best to win with existing cards. So if you want a high chance of winning, I advise you to rent or buy useful or stronger cards for most rule sets.

    Kelya Frendul

    • Increasing Speed and Armor by 1. Since the rule is Silinced Summoner then this won't help.


      • Most of my common line up is Water element and this would be another rule set taking advantage of the ruleset.

    Link of the battle: RUMBLE

    My Lineup


    First position - Baakjira
    • Most common to use, acts as a tank in the first position
    Second position - Nerissa Tridawn
    • A Second position for Nerissa Tridawn because of the massive amount of health and damage it will act as a tank if the Baakjira is executed.
    Third position - Riverboat Captain
    • A support unit for my team because of this Affliction making the opponent that uses healing ability take to Anti heal after it hits.
    Fourth position - Coastal Sentry
    • My main damage to this team is Coastal Sentry because of the double strike and piercing making it a good combo to the Super Sneak rule set.
    Fifth position - Djiin Oshannus
    • Act as a tank if the opponent prioritizes the use of Melee units especially those with more than 5 melee damage attacks and will only damage 1.
    Last position - Diemonshark
    • Act as a bait and tank because of its ability Retalite ability hoping it will trigger by chance.

    Analyzing Battle

    The opponent uses the Ilthain Summoner, and the majority of their units are rather pretty strong. It shows that my assumption and lineup is quite a good chance to defeat the opponent. It shows Jared Scar, Mantaroth, Inevitable, and Iziar are stronger and might have a chance of defeating me. The opponent's positioning was excellent in terms of using Iziar in the second position for I think supporting Inevitable and Mantaroth because of Martyrs Ability and of course Adelade Brightwing is resurrecting Iziar making it even stronger.

    Effective or not?


    It was close but I managed to win the match with Broken Arrow Rule set. Though as you can watch the battle my Djinn Oshannus did well in this match and that made me win over the opponent Jared Scar and Mantaroth. Without Oshannus I would have been 100 percent defeated in the battle. The way the fight plays out shows exactly how fortunate the sides are with their positioning. Of course, I love this rule set with the Water element active then I have a chance of winning the match because I have some Lines in mind😁.

    If you would want to use Water Line up, please read over some of my blogs; they could be useful. 😊


    Thank You! for being here, coming this far, and supporting me. I hope this will help you in some of your battles.🤗
    You can share thoughts and ideas about what could be possible to use in this rule set.

    Design photo Splinterlands Modern League using Canva
    Screenshot In-game splinterlands

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