TBT Thursday; Co-workers "Unforgotten Memories".

in voilk •  4 months ago


         Hola mis amigos, feliz noche, espero que estén muy bien; hay momentos que la nostalgia se hace más presente, en cuando los recuerdos te hacen extrañar a esas personas que ya no están contigo, en mi caso, ya estoy por salir de vacaciones laborales, y he tenido conversaciones con amistades que se forjaron en la empresa, que hoy en día ya no laboran allí, he recibido mensajes de ellos deseándome lo mejor para estas vacaciones, y vaya que todas sus palabras me llegan al corazón, porque junto a ellos empecé mi camino como supervisora, y de ese grupo solo quedamos dos, ya que los demás tomaron rumbos distintos, por un mejor porvenir, a pesar de saber que están bien y que poco a poco están cumpliendo sus sueños, es lógico que los extrañe, vivimos muchas cosas juntos, hicimos un gran equipo, afrontamos cada situación y superamos obstáculos difíciles, de ellos aprendí mucho, de sus cualidades me fortalecí, y me enseñaron que no hay distancia que nos separe, hoy en día seguimos en contacto, siempre presente para apoyarnos en lo que necesitemos.

         Tengo tantos recuerdos valiosos con ellos, que muy difícil será que los olvide.

         Me despido mis amigos, se les quiere.

         Hello my friends, happy evening, I hope you are very well; there are times when nostalgia becomes more present, when memories make you miss those people who are no longer with you, in my case, I am about to leave on working vacation, and I have had conversations with friends who were forged in the company, which today no longer work there, I have received messages from them wishing me the best for this vacation, and all their words touch my heart, because with them I started my journey as a supervisor, and that group only two of us are left, as the others took different directions, for a better future, although I know they are well and are gradually fulfilling their dreams, it is clear that the others went in different directions, for a better future, Despite knowing that they are well and that little by little they are fulfilling their dreams, it is logical that I miss them, we lived many things together, we made a great team, we faced every situation and overcame difficult obstacles, I learned a lot from them, I was strengthened by their qualities, and they taught me that there is no distance that separates us, today we are still in contact, always present to support us in whatever we need.

         I have so many precious memories with them, it will be very difficult for me to forget them.

         I bid you farewell my friends, you are loved.

    Photographs of my Property.
    Translation made in Deepl.

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