Love is a weapon

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Photo by Nadine Shaabana

    The other day I saw a video where these guys had said that ones a lady is in love with you, she would always come up with excuses to convince herself to stay with you even when you mess up. At first when I saw that video, I felt it was bullshit until later today when a lady friend had confided in me about some issues she was having with her boyfriend.

    According to this lady, when they recently started dating, this dude used to be the man of her dreams, putting her first as his top priority, you know, doing all of those stuff new lovers do. And according to her, that lasted for about a year until they started having issues and he suddenly changed and one time even hit her (he slapped her) because she had insulted him and spoken to him rudely.

    She was telling me all of this to hear my opinion on what could really be the cause of the change. She also went ahead to tell me about how she had seen chats with him and other ladies, chats that someone in a relationship shouldn't have on their phone. Basically she was hinting that there was the possibility that he might be cheating but she doesn't know yet because according to her, she hasn't caught him redhanded yet, although she knows for a fact that he goes to visit other ladies at their place, she just doesn't know what goes on there.

    Now, this is me trying to keep the whole thing brief but I'm pretty sure that there's no one who would hear her story and not be certain that he's cheating on her, and even if he's not, the fact that he has raised his hands to hit her on two seperate occasions is more than enough reason for her to call off the whole thing which was exactly what I said to her. I told her that he probably was done with the relationship but just doesn't want to let her go yet but guess what, she thought otherwise.

    She started coming up with excuses why she felt he was behaving that way, even blaming herself and saying that maybe she was the reason. The whole thing probably would have been a shocking experience to me if I hadn't seen that video a couple of days ago.

    Sadly, seeing how she still was very much in love with him and wasn't ready to let go yet, the only thing I could do was advise her on how she could at least get a little bit of change of character from him, although I told her that none of those advise would guarantee a permanent change for the better and that the best thing for her to do was walk away, an option she had clearly refused because she was inlove.

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