Garden Journal 2024 - Feb 11 Starting Chillis / 庭仕事の記録

in voilk •  5 months ago

    In the area of former East Germany where I live, the temperature has been rising to almost 10 degrees Celsius. Unfortunately, it is dark and rainy today, so I stayed didn't work on the balcony.

    I thought it was a little early to start writing my weekly garden journal, but after cleaning up the balcony this week, sowing pepper seeds today, and looking through the seed store catalog, I feel like I could write every week. So I am going to start writing this year's garden journal 😊

    February in Germany is still cold, but it is actually already time to start sowing seeds. Peppers, eggplants, and in Germany, cold-tolerant fava beans also start growing at this time of year.

    The world of chili peppers is a deep one, and I was so impressed by the South American Arroz Con Pollo Pepper, a fruity pepper with a low pungency, that I wanted to grow a variety and find something I like.

    People in Hive Garden may know but chili peppers are perennials, and when grown well, they can even grow like trees. Mine don't look like trees at all, but these are peppers I have been growing since last year. I neglected to water them once and they almost died... It is a mysterious hot pepper shaped like a UFO that I got seeds from a food business friend in the same city.

    It did well despite being in such a state at one point last autumn...

    I read somewhere that if you have perennial pepper plants, you don't have to sow and grow seedlings, and it takes less time for them to bear fruit. I love annuals, but I'm a little sad to say goodbye to them at the end of the season, and they take a lot of work since I start from scratch every year. I understand a saying "the longer you garden, the more you like perennials." So true!

    I looked in the seed box and found that there were already some pepper seeds, so I decided to order few this year; some pickling peppers and some seeds of Chalapita, the world most expensive pepper that costs 20,000 euros per kilo of dried fruit. I tried it few times but was never successful.

    I wanted to sow chilies as soon as possible, so I sowed South American chilies, bonsai chilies, and other small chilies that can be grown in small pots. When the seeds sprout in about 10 days, I transfer them to pots with soil. This is a technique I learned on YouTube a few years ago and is very efficient in identifying seeds that do not germinate.

    Chili peppers need temperature to germinate, so I keep them on a heating. Whenever there is something unfamiliar, my family is curious and always touches it, so I fastened it with rubber bands to prevent it from being dropped 😉

    However, I don't always turn on the heating, so I ordered a heat mat, which I had wondered whether to buy every year. I thought it might work for making natto, the notorious Japanese fermented sticky soy bean 😁

    I have been growing chili peppers in cells after germination, then planting them in cell trays, move them to pots and waiting until mid-May when there is no frost, but it takes quite a lot of effort and space. Last summer, I germinated the overwintered chili seeds I mentioned earlier, planted a few in the same pot, and kept three good plants in the end. It worked well. This year I will try to grow peppers this way from seed. I just found a picture how it looked like last summer.

    After I finished my gardening work of the day, I had a butter cream cake with my daughter. I went to a bakery for for a walk and bought it before my partner left for work in the morning.

    Next week I will receive the seedling racks in addition to the heat mats. And so, my gardening season of 2024 begins! I want to improve my food and flower growing skills 💪

    Have a nice Sunday and happy gardening!

    🌶 🌶 🌶




    唐辛子の世界は奥が深くて、南米のArroz Con Pollo Pepperという辛味が少なくてフルーティーな唐辛子を食べて感動したのがきっかけで、いろいろ育てて好きなものを探したいと思うようになりました。





    唐辛子はなるべく早くまいておきたいので、家にあるArroz Con Polloはじめ南米の唐辛子、盆栽唐辛子など小柄で小さい鉢で育てられる唐辛子の種をまきました。まくといっても、タッパーに濡らしたキッチンペーパーを敷いて種を置いていくという感じです。10日ほどで芽が出たら土を入れたセルトレイか鉢に移します。数年前にYouTubeで学んだテクニックで、発芽しない種を見分けられて効率が良いです。




    たくさん鉢を作ってもうちに植えられる数には限りがありますからね・・・といいつつ毎年苗を作りすぎてしまいます。ガーデナーあるあるです 😅



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