Night walk

in voilk •  17 days ago

    This is a post to go with #WednesdayWalk challenge by @tattoodjay.
    Last night I had a meeting with two friends, whose name is Alexey. 2 Alexey. One of them decided to dive into the crypto world and I needed to advise him on some positions.
    While talking, we drank a bottle of cognac. The meeting ended around 10 p.m., and I decided to walk around the city before bed.
    I usually visit this small park in winter, but yesterday I decided to come here. Peace and quiet.

    The jet of water hits with such force that the stone does not fall to the ground. I hope you understand that this is just a joke, but when I showed this fountain to my wife, she asked me - why doesn't a stone fall?

    At the beginning of the XV century, an internal struggle broke out in the Vyatka Republic. The Moscow governor Anfal Nikitin, as a result of an unsuccessful campaign, falls into the Golden Horde captivity, which is why he is replaced by another governor - Mikhail Rossokhin. Having been released from captivity, Nikitin gathers an army of Ustyuzhna and moved to Vyatka. According to some chronicles, this campaign happened in 1418, according to others — in 1421. Ustyuzhans tried to take the city by night assault, but were defeated. The battle took place in the north of the city, in the Razderikhinsky ravine, near the walls of the prison. As a result, Anfal Nikitin and his son Nestor were killed.

    In memory of the fallen soldiers, they began to hold an annual memorial service, which eventually turned into the main city holiday — a Whistle, and the battle itself became an urban legend.

    People built a chapel on this place, at the end of the 19th century the chapel was renovated and a stone one was built.
    When the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia, they began to destroy churches. The chapel on Razderikhinsky ravine was also destroyed. After the collapse of the USSR, the restoration of the chapel began. The process was delayed, and the businessman who sponsored the restoration of the chapel was killed. The chapel started working only in 2010. Damn, but it seems to me that she's always been here.

    The Moon, the Full Moon over Vyatka.
    According to the weather forecast, the warm autumn period, which is called Indian Summer, ends tomorrow.
    I enjoyed the last warm evening, or rather, already at night. There will be a real autumn ahead - dampness, rain, slush.

    Golden hands.
    Recently, this bistro appeared next to my house. I didn't even realize right away that they were selling food there, I thought it was a store for creativity.
    Yesterday I went there to buy shawarma, but it was too late, they told me that meat products were no longer sold, so I took only sweets for my daughter.
    The daughter was glad.

    Friends, goodbye! Until the next walk.


    Well. I wish all my friends, observers, and readers wonderful walks on Wednesdays. And also on Sundays and any other day!


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    Good luck and have fun


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