Battle Mage Secrets Winning by wisely using the FOG OF WARD battle rule, with the BARON FYATT card

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Now it is an important time for our emerging and young crypto community as it is the BITCOIN Halving, which will undoubtedly, to a greater or lesser extent, end up affecting the entire crypto community.

    This is why splinterlands to celebrate it offers us something that is undoubtedly exciting by putting at our disposal new promotional cards with a great potential to make more exciting lineups and you still hesitate to acquire them. Here I show a combat where one of them, the legendary one, contributed to the victory and allowed me to do it in the challenge with the battle rule set


    RULESET: Fog of War


    All units lose the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities.

    Scattershot still works in this ruleset.

    My Battle


    This week they had mercy on me and the analysis of the battle and its conditions were simple since in this case the simplest and simplest of all is proposed, it is simply the FOG OF WARD rule, which blocks the use of the skills, SNEAK, OPPORTUNITY, SNIPE, however the SCATTERSHOT ability is active that in case of battles with little mana, this ability would become almost a SNEAK OR OPPORTUNITY.

    We have an available energy limit of 21 which limits the number of cards we can use, but this is advantageous because of the cards we want to use, plus we can use all colors.

    My Team


    This is the only level 5 summoner that I have and this will help me activate the ability of my level 3 regeneration USUT that is only activated in rare level 5 summoners which will facilitate my victory, in addition to its speed increase by +1 to all My cards will help them attack first or avoid any attacks on USUT, who has the flying ability.


    This first card will help protect my USUT tank from a first attack, thus helping it survive even more, while my other cards do their job.


    This card will be the center of my alienation's resistance and attack, since all attacks will be directed at it after CORPSE FIEND is eliminated, since the FOG OF WARD battle rule will not allow activating the abilities that would help me. enemy attack the rear.

    His 4 shield and 11 health give him great resistance, giving him the possibility of resisting several attacks, in addition his flight ability gives him some chance to dodge attacks but by increasing his speed due to the summoner he increases the probability of dodging attacks by his flying ability.

    The HEAL ability, which will regenerate my USUT, making it very difficult to eliminate and since the battle rules allow only 21 mana, the amount of cards available to my enemy may not be enough to be able to do the damage I want. You need to eliminate it in 1 turn which would facilitate your survival.

    As if that were not enough, BLOODLUST's ability will allow me to increase all of my enemy's characteristics by killing my enemy's cards, making it impossible for him to be eliminated.


    In this battle you can see the potential of this card since its HALVING ability and its SCATTERSHOT ability, allowed not only to attack the first line card but also the second line card. , thus reducing its attack power and making it even more difficult for my USUT to be eliminated, so this well-used card shows great potential, especially in combats where only a few cards are allowed.


    RONDA 1

    In this first round my BARON FYATT manages to eliminate his CORPSE FIEND.

    My CORPSE FIEND attacks his CARRION SHADE and finally USUT eliminates him and thus increases his power through BLOODLUST's ability.

    My enemy only manages to attack with his USUT and eliminates my CORPSE FIEND and also manages to raise all the statistics due to the BLOODLUST ability.

    RONDA 2,3,4 and 5

    In round 2 I manage to attack his CURSED WINDEKU with my USUT and my BARON FYATT attacks him and reduces his attack in half, leaving him with 1 attack and 7 life, before than this attack.

    My enemy attacks with his weakened CURSED WINDEKU and his USUT to my USUT, leaving him at 8 life.

    In round 3 I attack his CURSED WINDEKU again with my USUT and my BARON FYATT leaving him at 4 life.

    My enemy attacks with his CURSED WINDEKU, which attacks again and hits him on his shield and his USUT does 3 damage again but since my USUT, it regenerates, it cannot lower more life so I leave it at 8 again of life.

    In round 4 I only attack his CURSED WINDEKU with my USUT and it leaves him at 2 life, but this time SCATTERSHOT's ability means that this time he attacks his USUT, so it reduces his attack by half and leaves it at 9 life.

    In round 5 my USUT finally manages to eliminate his CURSED WINDEKU by increasing all his stats, and my BARON FYATT attacks his USUT and leaves him at 8 life.

    My enemy manages to attack my USUT with his USUT, but as my USUT regenerates, thus making it impossible for my enemy to no longer be able to beat me because my USUT regenerates 3 life when my enemy only manages to do 1 damage to it.

    RONDA 6 and 7

    In the last 2 rounds I finish off my enemy's **USUT **without him being able to even tickle my USUT.


    The key to this battle and the center of victory is my USUT, which has a great life of 11, 4 shield, regenerates, flies, and has the BLOODLUST ability that by killing my enemy's cards allows it to continue increasing its power.

    But all the skills would not be activated without the use of a level 5 summoner. And that it also increased the speed by +1 made it lethal and we add to that the great contribution that my BARON FYATT managed to provide by reducing the attack power of Both cards result in a landslide victory.

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