exercise while traveling. My Actifit Report Card: March 17 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Today was a very early start. The plane left at 630am so had to wake up at 3am. Yuck.

    On the plus side I did get to see the sunrise.

    As for steps.


    Most of the steps were from placing around the Airport while waiting. Seattle to Portland. Then Portland to Miami. Too many hours on a plane but I still managed 9k steps.

    Lots of pacing while waiting I suppose.

    The food in the airport is not great and expensive. I mean look at this:

    Almost $12 for a sandwich? Ouch.

    Not much better on the plane $8.95 for this

    I'll check out the nutritional data later but I'm not expecting it to be great. However when trapped on a plane for 6hrs options are limited.

    Age getting off the plane we had grumpy kids who wanted to get to the hotel and food. The faster the better.

    I won't say it's great but this is what we found.

    Let's hope things get a little more nutritious on the cruise.

    Leave tomorrow. Horray.

    Thanks for reading.

    Until tomorrow
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io


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