The Social Network: Movie Review

in voilk •  2 months ago



    Mark had a misunderstanding with Erica and burst his emotions online by blogging about her. Not only that, Mark also made a facemash website wherein he shows pictures of girls and then making a comparison of who is hotter and prettier. The website became viral and it caught the attention of the Winklevoss.


    The Winklevoss brothers invited Mark into their group and shared their idea of creating a website. Mark was hooked with the idea and immediately accepted the offer. He studied and coded the website. Been busy for days and have not meet up personally with the Winklevoss. Little did they know, Mark has already created the website and made it running without informing the Winklevoss brothers. Mark and Eduardo became partners, Eduardo as the CFO.

    The Winklevoss brothers were upset because they are claiming that Mark stole their idea. This led them to decide to take it to the court and make legal actions. Aside from that, Mark also got a complaint from this partner Eduardo because of the betrayal that happened when Sean Parker intervened with their greatest project.

    The case was processed and ended up with a decision. Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss received a settlement of 65 million dollars and signed a non-disclosure agreement. Eduardo Saverin received an unknown settlement. His name has been restored to the facebook masthead as a co-founder.


    Rising action


    Mark accepted the offer of the Winklevoss brothers. He took several weeks to create the Facebook in his dorm. It spread immediately among the Harvard students which made the Winklevoss brothers upset. Their immediate response was they want to sue Mark for stealing their idea.



    Sean Parker accidentally saw the Facebook website and was hooked with the idea, and potential of it. He set up a meeting with Mark and Eduardo and offered a deal to go to California to expand the project. It was a success and Facebook have grown. Sean slowly became the new partner of Mark and leaving Eduardo out of the team. This was a good thing for their project but the friendship of Mark and Eduardo went bad.



    The transition and story making of the story is great. The flashbacks were smooth and understandable. Camera angles were in good position and gives enough focus on the characters. Background sound and music were aligned to set the mood.



    You must think first before you click. This is a good example for this movie. Mark posted a blog online about Erica and expressed his angry feelings. This became viral and a lot of students have read it. Erica was really mad about it and what Mark only said was he was drunk. What this means is we have to be really carefully on what we post online. Another example in the movie is when Sean Parker was caught doing illegal drugs and there was a minor involved. Mark was worried that this news will be posted online, and it can affect their project. This shows how powerful social media can be. News can easily spread. It can either benefit you or destroy you.


    The filmmaker was successful in his purpose. He managed to build up the problem of the character and then ending it up with a clear explanation and details. You have to make sure that what you are creating is coming from your own, or if you want to take an inspiration from the works of others, you have to credit it. Decision making was also a thing in the movie. Mark was in the dilemma of removing Eduardo in the team when he met Sean Parker. When you are deciding, you have to consider several factors to make sure that no one will be affected or sacrificed. In the case of Mark, he made a decision wherein Eduardo was betrayed.

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