Fantastic Five Alive Challenge

in voilk •  3 months ago

    My Today's Splinterlands Battle Challenge Secret!!

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    You have the ability to use up to five Units.

    We are unable to play with six cards on the field due to the curse of the Five Alive. I can only play a limited number of cards in Splinterlands battle field when I get into this type of challenging combat situation. There's also a new set of rules, and the timing couldn't have been better because in this battle showcase, the Five Alive and Manuevers are present on my battle mage secrets and new established over 2024.


    It happened by chance that the splinterlands considered to apply this new rule set to the challenge, and plenty of participants used it to impose their strategies in battle, ranging from bronze to champion. This set of rules will be relevant in every battle you have. All monsters with the reach ability will be able to attack, meaning that the monster in the second position will now be able to attack and support the monster in the first position during their attack on the opponent. It can be challenging for me to predict which cards my opponent will use or which card I should play since my brain is so carried away. This is only my honest opinion based on my experience with the new set of combat rule disputes.


    My Battle Mage Secret


    The five alive, maneuvers, and scatter shot battle condition are what we were playing with. Although the scatter shot rule set states that camouflage is useless, scatter shot remains random and does not always hit your monster card directly. Lily Shield Paw, on the other hand, covers all monsters with camouflage.


    So scatter shot will only hit random attacks. Even if using the dragon element is extremely complex, there is still a greater probability of victory. Lily Shield Paw is my Summoner of choice.

    Lily Shield Paw is included in the selection because of the 49 mana cap, which is extremely beneficial as it allows you to choose the high cards that can work in your favor and combination of elements rather than single aspect of Fire, Earth, and Life. Here in the arena, one of the most potent fights is representing the Power of Uriel the Purifier Against Forgotten One. The three combat conditions are a test that must be overcome, not a means of assuring failure.

    Early Match up



    The early section of the match was really intriguing to witness. My opponent used Drybone Raider's armor breaker and the dual strike attack as well as a sneak attack from Tenyii Striker and Countess Sinash to add extra speed. On my side, Lily Shield Paw is giving all of my units camouflage and provides a health contribution of 1, while Tarsa adds damage to its melee monster and increases all of his soldier's vitality by one. I also have the healing power of Uriel the Purifier and the Triage of Djinn Renova against my opponent's scatter shot. If someone perished in the collision straight away, I could bring back to life by the power of Adelaide Brightwing Resurrection.

    Mid-Game Encounter



    Despite the great deal of damage, my monster remained intact, and my squad managed to withstand it, executing Djinn Renova triage skills, and make repairs from Adelaide Brightwing. The chaos dragon's blast was sufficiently powerful that it assisted me in progressively eliminating the monster cards of my competitor. Since Venari Marksrat's martyr ability is still active in the game, I was unable to activate it.

    End Game



    I nearly eliminated my opponent's cards in the last phases of the fight, standing still like a calm after a storm. I performed well against my opponent; we had a brilliant battle. nonetheless, I was successful in defeating him. Fortunately, Uriel The Purifier blessed him with flying and healing powers that allowed it to withstand a lot of strikes and avoid some of the damage. If you don't know how to counter it, it will be difficult to do damage and destroy this sort of combo without a well-thought-out counterattack. Healing, triage, and repair are somewhat extremely valuable in combat.


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