Monthly garden update | New Veggies and developing fruits

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello guys I am here in this community after a very long time do you remember guys what I publish last month yeah nowadays I usually published on lemon tree garden updates in this friendly and engaging community my last monthly garden update was so much appreciated from this plateform as well as other community members and it makes me urge to be attached with this community so this time I am again posting my monthly garden update for the month of my every all know the summer is arrived with its full force it is very hot in the day time while the night are still pretty cold there are many new flower sand development fruit in this post I will discuss each of them as well as some new comer bugs and other useful insect.

    As we all now this lover of pomegranate is considered one of the most beautiful flowers among other fruit belong bloom to be honest I myself really love this adorable natural creation in my garden there is a huge bus on one side and since last 3 years it is producing a good amount of pomegranate in late summer and now it is in full blown as well as some fruit is developing which you can see in the images below.

    Here are few more images of the fruit and blunt I am not sharing a lot of I am sharing only selected images as it is rule of the community note to make your post a photo gallery.

    Actually my garden consist a lot of guava plants and nowadays they are in full bloom in the images blow you can see their delightful fairy pinkish white colours that me tell you a fax for those who don't know about the fruit or blue their flowers are not only beautiful but they have a very melodious scent.

    I don't know why but my lemon bus is getting very weak his leaves are turning yellow and many of them are falling but still I can see a few blooms on the bus I hope it will recover soon as they have fertilized it as well as moderate watering is preferred we all know.

    From the energy you can see how much refreshing the those chile's are I am very glad that this time I have gro a bumper crop of green chillies this images of only only of one plant but I have gone a lot of chillies in my garden among night shade like egg plants and tomatoes.

    As I visited my garden afternoon but still you can see my squash Vines are producing beautiful flowers as well as sometimes causes beneath they leave are resting beneath believe.

    Isn't this squash bloom is adorable

    I have planted a lot of coriander this season and most of it has over ground and producing a lot of tiny flowers and sales I have harvested a lot of seed last week but still some are still fresh.

    As you can see my onions are very healthier and fresh and I lost time water then as well and when the soil will dry I will soon harvester than.

    A question
    Can anyone help me in this case my night shade egg plants are blooming but their flowers are falling continuously and are not producing any brinjal yet.

    guys this vegetable is called lady finger or okra and it is very popular in our region as well as it is our national vegetable in my country will love this you can see a cute ladybird is resting on the bloom of vegetable their flower are very well what velvet and cute I will share their flower images next time but you can see how healthy lady finger that growing on the top of the plant.
    That's it guy this was all for today's article I hope you guys would have enjoyed my this monthly garden update don't forget to give your suggestions below see you next time

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