Orderliness subsequently leads to cleanliness.

in voilk •  3 months ago


    When I was growing up, my parents and all of us had to live in just a room and parlor. This is a family of 5 kids with both parents. Now, you can imagine what it would feel like to be in that space if we were not trained to be organized and clean. My parents did a very good job in that regard.

    We always took Saturdays as compulsory sanitation days at home. We swept the floor every morning and evening. We always washed plates every single day. Some days, we washed those plates twice or even three times. We did laundry at least twice a week. We kept our luggage well organized so we wouldn't have to walk on a hip of baggage.

    To be fair, there were moments when I wished I had grown up in circumstances where I could have a room of my own. Well, it didn't happen at that stage of my life. However, I genuinely believe that having that experience is currently playing a big part in the level of orderliness and cleanliness I adopt in this current stage of my life.

    One of the writing prompts in this post brings up an important question about Cleanliness.

    I'm all about that lifestyle. I'm clean to the marrow and I realize just how clean I am whenever I get to stay together with people who are not as organized as I tend to be. That's one of the reasons I prefer to live alone until when I make a family of my own. I enjoy keeping everything in order and I enjoy having a specific position for everything in my room. I know where I keep my Salt and I know where I keep my sugar.

    I noticed that taking that approach of orderliness subsequently leads to cleanliness. You can't come into my room at any moment and feel like things are disorganized for any reason. Even if I'm about to clean up the house or take care of my bathroom, most people who look at it would likely say "Why clean something that's already clean?" Haha.

    It's funny though because I can't remember the last time I did any cleaning on a Saturday. I basically jump into house cleaning any day and at any point whenever I feel like there is a need to do so. That's also the approach I take to my laundry. I don't allow any clothing that needs washing to hang around for longer than supposed.

    All these sound like the chronicles of a clean freak, right?

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