That feeling of spring - reflection

in voilk •  5 months ago


    It feels like that wall of snow came and went within a day or two, the cold Armenian winter quickly replaced with golden light and the singing of birds. It's an odd feeling to have as the seasons shifted so quickly, from December to February. Very different to what I am used to back in England in which each of the four seasons feels more spaced out. But I'm really enjoying the atmosphere here already, it feels like a very different space to what I felt I was already accustomed to over the past five months or so. I wake up and feel that sunlight entering the room, that hint of heat that reaches the curtains. I'm spending more time outside and enjoying the views from sunrise to sunset, grabbing coffee and sitting out in the garden and and enjoying that stillness in the air. I type this all despite doing it right now, on an overcast day where it is actually a little more chilly. But it's nice to know I can both go and sit outside without the need of a coat, gloves, or scarf. I even feel that urge to explore a little more with this change in the weather, feeling my more nomadic side waking up from a mild slumber.

    I think my motivation is peaking a bit more with the changes, mostly due to being in such a different place. Armenia has been nothing but good to me, and it offers such vastness to my curiosity and photography potential. To roam the streets so void of purpose, to then grab coffee or a beer from an unknown establishment. I long for the days in which I can sit outside under the sun and watch the world go by. To view the fastness of the city of Yerevan. Observing how culture and life shifts under a different season, the fashion, the smiles on people's faces, and especially the food culture that I have no doubts will make its way into my life. It's interesting to view it all at this age, I'm turning 29 on the 28th, and I have the question of how I may have considered a space like Armenia a decade ago. Would it still have the impact it has on me? I know I never would have imagined ending up in a country like this, but I did know that I was destined to leave England at some point, that the world was calling me out into it, luring me with mystery, danger, and a whole lot of experiences.

    The world can be a beautiful place when you put down your phone, ignore the social media grind, put away the headlines that beg for your emotion and attention. I think having a camera in your hand helps you realise this. The epiphany of the world's delicate nature around you, as well as your own. I have no idea what is to come next with the introduction of spring here in Armenia, but I do know that it's going to be a series of challenges, fun, and a whole lot of life lessons. What more could a person want in life?

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