My Most Scary Yet Thrilling Car Experience.

in voilk •  5 months ago


    I've had only few crazy car experiences and just one seems to be the craziest of them all. This one was during my sister's engagement. It was on a Friday and from Monday to that D-day was hectic. We had to prepare for the traditional wedding and the church wedding too which was held the next day.

    Here's how it started......

    We had so many work to do but we were just 5 in the family, then two guys staying with us then making us 7. Luckily, some of my uncles, aunts and cousins came around on Wednesday: few of my mom's friends were also around to help. They made the work faster. We had so many things to do like getting tables and chairs, big pots and three-legged cooking gas stand, canopies, etc. We used my dad's car to carry heavy loads like the pots, canopy and others.

    My dad trusted one of my uncle so much (Uncle Biodun) so he handed over his car to uncle Biodun who became the driver of everyone especially when we needed to buy stuffs in bulk. Whereas, I was not allowed to drive the car:though my dad knew I could drive. I felt little bit bad.

    The heavens on my side, I knew where the second car key was hid by my dad but of course I didn't let him or my mom know that I knew where it was. I had the intention of driving that car so badly because I had to trek to get some stuffs that I could have easily gotten by car.

    I got the chance to drive the car....

    The engagement was about to start and the location was in our second house which is about a 10 minutes walk. So my dad had to be there already to welcome his guests and to see that they are well taken care of. My uncle, other family members and I were in the first house. I got a call from my sister that her husband is yet to be present at the venue (they were coming from a far place).

    My sister begged me to help her keep in touch with her husband and his family on the phone. I kept giving them directions but it was not easy to recognise the last bus stop to our house so my sister begged me to take my dad's car to meet them at the bus stop. I couldn't refuse because she was worried about her husband and his family.

    I knew at that moment that it is now or never😂😂

    I went inside my dad's room, took the extra key and I told the two guys staying with us about what I wanted to do, they supported. I also told my eldest sister but she did not agree, she was scared of my dad's reaction.

    As per guys wey we be na I was the driver and I ignited the car engine and moved fast. My house to the bus stop is about 4 minutes drive and the road was well constructed. I did not speed like most young guys do, I do not like being reckless. We waited at the bus stop for my sister's husband for about 20 minutes before they showed up.

    They came in a 18 passenger bus, I came down of the car so they could see me well. Then I pointed to the road that it's straight down. I entered the car to lead them but the bus driver was already moving. So, I was at the back of the bus: they saw a Y-junction ahead so they had to slow down for me to meet up with them.

    Funny thing was, I was scared to overtake them because some bike men were right beside me and I have only droven on the expressway once, I haven't gained enough courage then. But my guys who were in the car with me began to motivate me (and it was a funny moment in the car). Their words had already entered my head, so I stepped harder on the gas ( raise am! raise am!! ): I overtook the bus and was ahead of them.

    I had to lead them straight to the second house which was the location for the engagement party. The road to the second house is not tiled, it had so much sand. And it is very dangerous to enter such sandy place because I wasn't very good at driving then. But you know how young people take risks, I did too. I stepped on the gas and ran through the sand, as expected, the sand would want to control the tyres but I was lucky enough to maneaveur and escaped it. I think I was on 80 when I drove through the sand.

    I got to where my dad was and his expression was so terrifying but I was not so scared because he was sitting beside the pastor, hence he couldn't over react.... lucky me.

    I drove the car back to the main house, low and behold, uncle Biodun whom my dad made to be in charge of the car was already looking for the car. His facial expression changed immediately he saw me with the car. Unknown to me, my dad had called my uncle before I got home to tell him how disappointed he was.

    My uncle raised his voice at me and that is something I really dislike so I walked out on him. The whole house was heated with argument for some minutes, but I was persuaded by my eldest sister to apologise to my uncle. I did and he assured me that he had forgiven me (I actually postrated to him). And, I still drove the car 2 times after that without any issue.

    Thank you for reading till the end

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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