Sublime Sunday Travel Activity At Parola Farm Place

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Today is Sunday and it is good to do traveling because of the hot sunny day. This time, I decided to visit PAROLA FARM place located in Zone 23 Poblacion Manticao, Misamis Oriental. This area contains a wide coconuts and banana plants and the owner this place is came from Iligan City. Parola Farm is near at the Manticao River, most of the soil filled in this place was came from mountainous place washed away by great floods many years ago. The land is completely fertile and most of the plants can be seen here are coconuts and banana. Later, I will share the place were many valuable plants can be seen. This is my second time to visit this place and I am very thankful to the land owner for giving me authority to explored the place.



    First, let me share this cool and refreshing areas inside of the Farm. They decided to plant more different kinds of trees just like Mahogany and molave tree. This place is located near at the Barangay road. Many people loves to rest for a short period of time especially those people who came from far away place. Birds and other wild animals also living and hiding in this place, there are some parts of areas contains more wild grass just like Hagonoy and it really needs to be careful by removing it and to be check the area first if it is safe to clean and removed the wild grass.

    Not far enough the relaxing place is this vast of coconut trees planted in this plain land. All of this trees already produces fruits and they harvested every 3 months. The people lived here in the Province mostly depends their source if income by selling coconuts. Most of the land here are filled with more coconut trees and some of them are already successful by this kind of business.


    There are also lots of banana plants located and can be seen here in the place. This is also a kind of Family business and a source of income. There are lots of snacks can be made out of banana fruits and children will be very happy and love to eat. This place is filled with more banana plants and only few of it are already produced fruits because of the banana plants are still young. This great number of banana plants will make the land owner successful because it can be harvested and sell in a great high price.



    There are also lots of bamboo plants near at the river. This will help so that the land or soil will not easily collapsed or been eroded due to heavy rains and floods. Bamboos are also very important here by using to make or build a house, chairs, tables, walls, floors. It can make the place cool and some of the people used it as firewoods.


    There are some houses can be found here in the Farm and the owner of this houses are working at Parola Farm also. They lived in simple and very unique house at the mountain and they are happy and proud to lived here. There place is covered and surrounded with banana and coconut plants including some wild grass and some wild flowers. It takes a few minutes of walking before we arrived at the village. They raised more animals like cows, pigs, chickens and Goats.



    This road near at Parola farm helps the residents to have their shortcut. It can save time by walking in here going to their destinations and this road was new excavated. It leads down to the river and only few houses can be seen and locates in here. They out more sands and stones so that it wont get muddy when the rainy seasons occur.

    This majestic mountain is also served as the boundary point between Zone 17 and Zone 20. It contains lots of bamboo plants and a few banana and coconut plants. Below in this mountain is the barangay road that straight to the National road and it was very dusty here during my walking adventure.


    Many kinds of vehicles like Cars, trucks, Motorcycle and Tricycles can be abled to pass in here. This curvy rocky roads will lead to the national road and it takes a few hours before we reach at the place. Having this kind of activities or adventure is very dun and enjoyable. I am lucky to have this kind of place and someday, this area will become popular and well develop.

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