Splinterlands Art Contest | Coastal Sentry

in voilk •  4 months ago

    coastal sentry.png

    Hello everyone, Hope you're doing really good and healthy. It's another round of the splinterlands art contest and this is my submission post.
    For this week, I chose to do a fanart of the Coastal Sentry, a common card in the water unit, isn't she majestic? Such a beautiful character!!!

    The Coastal Sentry are beautiful but dangerous warriors that resides in the coasts of Praetoria. They swim for weeks going around their territory guarding their people and sea life. They hate to be seen especially by strangers, and are totally harmless unless the strangers pose a threat.


    I've always wanted to do a close up face painting for some time now, I had a few ideas so I chose this card for it. Also, her skin colour is really beautiful, not the type of colour I normally paint.
    I started with the sketch which didn't take a lot of time, I painted her skin and hair and basically stuck with the colours in the original work.


    I added more volume to her hair then I began to paint her facial features, I chose warm colours for her eyes before moving on to the rendering phase. I painted lighter and darker shades to her neck area, and some warmth to her cheeks because I thought she looked too pale.


    I went on to paint more volume, strands and colour to her hair, I looked forward to the little designs on her face and I'm glad it looks amazing with the gem on her forehead. I painted her jewellery, added some bubbles and additional colours to the design on her face.


    This is the final work after making adjustments and adding some glow, I hope you like it....
    coastal sentry.png

    That's all for now, have a wonderful weekend ahead...

    Tools Used
    Adobe Photoshop
    Huion drawing tablet and pen


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