Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen - Chapter 124

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Welcome to my seemingly endless journey.
    A trip that will take you to places I might have visited many moons ago.
    It´s a tale that came back to me when I meditated on one of my past lives. A life I told you about in my unbelievable true story.

    As promised in that story I will now share this story with you.

    Click Back Button to Start with Chapter 1

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    Chapter 124

    Dear Reader, let yourself be carried away to eternity.

    The realm where pain is banished, where the flesh is not existent.

    Your last journey comes to an end, but your being remains, until I join you again.

    Or is there only an internal revolution raging within you, in which all your energy was devoted to resistance against your direct oppressors?

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    Sleep with the angels my darling,

    Now the tears are also running down my face, and I can't utter a sound.

    “I see her as they lead her out of the palace, she gives me this and your name,” he hands me the necklace she's wearing this afternoon. It contains a locket. The young man leaves the room in silence while I try to wipe away tears with the handkerchief in one hand; the other opens the locket, and a folded sheet of rice paper with animal blood written on it falls out.

    The destruction

    Your words aroused

    Trust me we were

    That it didn't work

    My heart stretched further

    Then the coming dangers

    Thanks for all the help

    Given in freedom,

    A new beginning

    Advocated by me.

    The words burn on my retina.
    I fail to see the meaning of what happened.
    I feel the pain and have to watch in horror as this opportunity too will soon go up in flames.
    She was so sure she could bring about that change; how lost is she now? I can't go back anymore. On her behalf, I'll ensure the changes that are in the pipeline, however long it'll take, and whatever it'll cost me; Kyra has to be served justice.

    There's nothing else I can do now but wait for morning. Wait on our departure from this terribly sick world, in which love allows the law to be prescribed.
    Love, this could never be love.
    No one could do this to their loved one. Or would his mind be so distorted that it would overcome his heart, even when it comes to his wife?

    Sitting on my knees in a corner of the room, I close my eyes. I hold the medallion in my hands and focus entirely on Krya. It's difficult to temporarily banish my sadness, but over time, I succeed. I leave my body in the room; I have to be with her. My soul body moves at high speed, unhindered by walls, trees, or other obstacles; I leave the city. I float along the river, and where it turns, I continue my flight.

    Without having any influence on the direction, I can only watch what passes by. The sound of voices looms from behind the next hill. As soon as I can see the source of the sound, my breath catches in my throat, as if I had lungs. My soulbody can only give me the idea that this is the case, and it feels very real.

    At the foot of the hill stands Krya, blindfolded and gagged. A group of soldiers is building a funeral pyre around her. With a sigh, I place myself in her body. It feels as if a chill goes through me when I enter her. I've never been able to do this before, so I don't really know what to do first.

    I decide it is polite to not inform her of my presence. I speak to her softly.

    “Dear Krya. I am with you. Your locket led me to you. My mind is connected to yours. I will try to stay with you until you leave this world.”

    I feel her startle, her heart starting to work harder.

    "Where are you then? How can you not speak to me when I am surrounded by my murderers?”

    I continue softly, “Don't ask me exactly how, but I'm not an imagination. I came into your body to assist you, to say goodbye, to thank you.”


    A small snort of laughter betrays her happiness. “Real or not, the desolation I felt is gone. This was not my intention; I never expected this. He always maintained that despite some things we didn't have, he did love me. You don't do this to anyone you love, do you?"

    I quickly explain to her what the soldier told me; I feel that she understood the reasoning but could not understand the actual act. The strange thing is that our communication is so fast that we can exchange so much in what seems like hours when only seconds pass.

    I inform her about Numico and Sion; she laughs. She already knows it, but the fact that her daughter had taken the initiative is commendable. She shares my fears about their future as a couple, but nothing is impossible. "I never expected that we city women of the world would be conquered by men from the mountain people. I think he is the perfect match for her. They have my blessing, no matter how worthless it may be now."

    I am not sure if she knows that I can feel what she feels, I think she does. I think she knew exactly what I would feel when she mentioned being conquered by mountain people. Even in her last hour she stays true to her husband, but could not leave this world without letting me know.

    I try to ignore the little shock of electricity I feel, let me not make this harder than it is already. Let me be here with her and let our moment last forever, and til we meet again.

    Next Chapter Coming in Two Days

    Picture By Me And My Artificial Intelligence

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