🥭 Mango Recipe [New]

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hope everyone is in good health. I'm fine too. Today I am here with you with a little tasty recipe. If you want to try something new with mango, you can try this. Hope you like it. You can make the recipe very easily. So let's see start the recipe.

    🍽️ Presentation 🍽️


    • Mango
    • Sugar
    • Salt


    Step 1-

    First I cleaned the mangoes well. Then I removed the crust on the mangoes. Then with the mango Fruits Slicer I Slice the mango well.

    Step 2-

    Then add sugar and salt to it and also mixed everthing. It's ready to eat.

    That's How my recipe was made. Hope you all like it. Thanks to everyone for reading my post. Everyone stay fine and healthy. See you again about something new.

    [ ❤️Thank You So Much. Hope You Like It.❤️ ]

    [ All content is mine unless otherwise noted ]
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    [ Editor:- Canva ]

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