Closure [Fiction]

in voilk •  4 months ago

    When your past comes calling at the most unexpected moment, it throws you out of balance. A past you believe will never appear—that’s why it's called the ‘past’. A past where you made a choice which seemed good at the time but later on, doubt creeps in.

    Scott's handsome face and dashing smile intensify the butterflies in my stomach as I walk, my arm hooked tightly around my stepfather’s arm, towards the church altar. He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I chuckle. I'm excited and nervous at the same time because we're finally tying the knot after dating for eight months.

    My husband-to-be came into my life at a time when I was heartbroken and had no expectations whatsoever for my future because who I thought was my future was hooked to many wires and beeping monitors in the hospital. Charles was in a car accident after a terrible quarrel we had and fell into a coma.

    My stepdad grips my hand to bring me back to the present. He must have seen the faraway look coming into my eyes again, as it often did. I smile at him and continue to walk, my eyes never leaving Scott's until I get to the altar.

    Within thirty minutes, we exchange our vows amidst tears and laughs because Scott is such a comedian when he wants to be. I sigh with relief and hold his hand as we walk out of the church together.


    The wedding reception starts in earnest. I'm laughing and saying hello to friends and family when my heart lurches at an unexpected sight in the small crowd. Scott doesn't know as he's joking and playing with one of my nieces who remarks that he's so handsome and wants to marry him too.

    Charles stands tall at six feet one, dressed in a black suit with a bow tie and a fashionable walking cane in one hand. Oh my God! I can't seem to draw enough air into my lungs when my bridesmaid and friend, Katie, touches my shoulder from behind. “Scarlett? Stop staring and come with me. Now.” She whispers urgently and I turn like a robot and walk away with her.

    She takes me into the kitchen where the cook and waiters are putting the food and drinks together, ready to serve the guests. They smile and pass by us. I can't smile back as my cheek feels frozen and painful. Katie drags me close to the refrigerator side.

    “I got the news and came to you as fast I could but you've seen him. Are you okay?” She's staring into my eyes with worry.

    “I'm….That was unexpected. Did you know?”

    She closes her eyes and shakes her head vigorously. “If I did, I would tell you. Chris is valeting for guests, he sent me a text.”

    “How? His mother didn't call to tell me.”

    Katie cups my face with her warm hands. “Listen to me. I watched you beat yourself up for three months because Scott proposed to you. You mustn't let guilt eat you up. You're married to a wonderful man, that's all that matters. Yea?”

    “Will he understand?” I whisper.

    “What did I say, Scarlett? Focus.”

    “I'm married to a wonderful man.”

    “Good. Now let's go before your husband and guests start to worry. You can deal with things after the reception.”

    We hold hands and leave the kitchen almost running into Scott. He sighs with relief. “Gosh, where have you been? I was getting a little worried.” His English accent makes me smile. Katie winks at me and joins her friends while Scott and I have our first dance.

    I'm smiling into his eyes, enjoying the feel of his hands, and the movement of our bodies as we dance but my eyes strays reflexively in search of Charles. I can't see him so I concentrate on our dance. Afterwards, my stepfather comes close and says it's his turn. Scott hands me over with a promise to be back in a minute.

    As my stepfather and I sway to the music, someone clears his throat beside us. We stop and I glance up and freeze. “May I cut in, Mr Cruz?” My stepfather looks at me and I nod.

    His hands on my waist feel so familiar but odd, like something my brain recognises but doesn't accept. The pain and loneliness of staying by his bedside day after day after the accident floods back and tears well up in my eyes.

    “Are you surprised to see me?” He whispers into my ears.

    “Of course. I….I…your mother didn't tell me.”

    “I asked her not to. When I came to, I asked of you and she told me I've been unconscious for nine months. It's a miracle I'm alive.”

    “Yes. I believed…but…”

    “You don't have to explain. I relive that night in my head over and over. I was foolish and felt pressured because of my ongoing project. I took out my anger on you and wasn't thinking clearly. Now I've lost you.”

    The tears slowly trickle down my face. And I realise Charles and I are the only couple dancing. All the guests are standing in a circle, staring at us. I search for Scott and see he's with my stepfather, understanding and love gleaming from his eyes. I'm glad I told him about Charles on our first date.

    “No, you haven't lost me. I'm still here,” I say, sniffing.

    Charles smiles. “You know what I mean. But I'm glad we can be friends. That's why I came today…to make sure we stay friends.”

    He holds me in a tight hug when Scott walks up to us and asks for another dance. Charles slightly inclines his head and walks away, shuffling with his cane. I hide my face in the crook of my husband's neck and cry quietly.

    Once again, our guests are dancing and the reception is going well.

    Image created by AI in Nightcafe Studio

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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