My cleaning activities. 20/02/24

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello everyone and welcome to my post.

    Its a new day and every day comes with a sweet and difficult opportunity to reach the desired goals. Though these goals are not easy, we thrive very hard and try as much as possible to ensure that the goals are reached in no short time.

    Yesterday was a cool day but boring. The spirit inhibiting me from reading decided to leave me alone yesterday so I read throughout yesterday.

    The only thing I did yesterday was read, sleep, go out and get paracetamol for my headache (do not try at home, always get prescription from a doctor), eat, read more and sleep more.

    This is always my routine any time I start reading and some times, I get Soo addicted to my books to the extent of me not wanting to talk to any one. This is basically the reason why I don't read for a long time, to maintain my social life with other people.

    There was a time I had to break up with some body I was dating because she was constantly wanting attention but I was focused on reading. I don't like sharing attention when I'm reading and I always want to focus both consciously and subconsciously on my books. Its quite a drag but well, that's how I am built.

    I went out today as usual to carry out my cleaning activities and it felt really good. The sense of being responsible is still there and I am happy that I am doing something good to ensure the good appearance of the planet.

    The pictures of my activity are below.

    Thank you for reading.

    Special thanks:

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