Show Me A Photo (SMAP) 157 - A Junkyard Cock

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello everybody. Let's welcome Round 157 of the Show Me A Photo or SMAP Contest hosted by @nelinoeva. If you haven't heard of this yet check out the contest post here. Do read up and hopefully join us in the fun.

    The theme for this week is:


    I have always wanted to feature this feathered friend in SMAP past but couldn't get a good photo of him. I see him almost every morning in the park where I used to jog. I liked his color pattern which, although not unusual, still is not common. Roosters normally come in dark red and black. Now the problem I had with this one is he doesn't stay still. When you come close he runs away or hides under the bushes or stuff around the area. But on this day, he was tied down by his owner and he couldn't run when I approached him. Perfect!


    He was with his kids having a sumptuous breakfast although I did not see the missus.


    In the photo below he was actually crowing although it was already late morning. Isn't he supposed to do that like during the break of dawn? Or was he just so bored minding the brood while he was tied down and couldn't roam around?


    I waited around hoping for another cock-a-doodle doo which took a long time in coming and which caught me by surprised when it came and almost missed it. That explains why it's a bit out of focus lol.


    And finally, my entry to this Round is the photo below. My junkyard cock.


    And that's it for this one. Just glad I was able to enter this one. Hopefully I will not forget to post this in the comments section of the contest post, which I actually did last week. Have a great weekend everyone. Stay safe and healthy

    (All photos are mine.)

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