Three ideas to save money in the context of my country.A world away from the world.Week 208.

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    A warm greeting to all the beautiful people who every week wait with great joy the topics that the friend @galenkp launches us to invite us to develop ideas and express our own opinions about it, by the way, quite a feat to keep the space for several years, week 208!

    Today I decided to participate for the first topic.

    • Tell us three of your money saving ideas and why or how they work.

    Over the years I have been forced to readjust household expenses on many occasions, perhaps because I am a woman and I am aware of every detail of the home I have taken the task to heart, so much so that my partner has accused me of being stingy or greedy at different times, but thanks to that we have balanced life on many occasions.

    It should be understood that each country is a different planet, so each one has to place itself in the context of its ordinariness and plan according to its basic needs.

    In my country at this very moment electricity and drinking water do not represent a danger of excessive consumption, something very paradoxical and questionable but better not to talk about it, so right now they are out of my priorities of saving and much less of investment, God help us!

    The list that occupies and worries me (😬) is aimed more than anything else at economic and pragmatic survival.

    1. Prioritize the purchase of foods that provide quality of life and health. Prepare and consume only those that are truly necessary.
    2. Electrical equipment should undergo maintenance from time to time, I assure you that its useful life will be extended for a longer time.
    3. Avoid unnecessary and excessive purchase of products that you do not really need: clothes, shoes, perfumes, leather products and equipment of questionable use.

    1.The purchase of food

    Every year that passes, the indiscriminate use of natural resources, monoculture, wars and bad government decisions have directly influenced the limited availability of food that have put at risk the survival of many people, this fact has affected so much our household economy that is usually a very sensitive issue because the quality of what we eat directly influences our health, so I prefer to buy 30 eggs a month than just two packs of hormone inflated and genetically altered chicken and hams poisoned with nitro salts. (this is just one example).


    One of the most practical solutions for those of us who live in cities is to plant in a garden, in a backyard, in areas behind work, many people have opted for it and as I am an agronomist I collaborate with some people who do it for necessity and pleasure, yes pleasure!
    This has made it possible for me to save on food and vegetables and it is very positive to put a dish on the table as a result of your work.



    In the past it didn't matter if you had a little rice, meat or food left over, but nowadays it is important to plan every last grain of rice, am I exaggerating?
    Ask a retired person!

    2.Maintenance of household appliances

    Have you ever counted how many times you have to buy a simple fan in your life just because you didn't oil and clean it enough?
    They say that fixing a fan is more expensive than buying a new one, or a PC, or a refrigerator, or anything else, so it is better to be aware of its good use, its cleanliness, that it has electrical protectors and all the care you want, this will ensure that I will not need to replace it for many years to come.
    If I lived in a country with a higher purchasing power, would I buy in the same way? Of course I would!


    3. Is buying for the sake of buying justified because it de-stresses us from the ordinary life we lead?

    Yes, many people justify their needs in that way, they are not really needs, they are desires to own the latest pair of fashionable shoes, the most original perfume, the ultra modern jean, the most revitalizing cream.
    One example, a few years ago we suffered from a tropical storm that still costs people living under a tarp roof, and others without even that...well anyway the wind was so strong that my apartment was flooded with water and I lost most of my shoes from going out at night..... ironically I hardly ever wore them and they seemed more like museum pieces than other necessary merchandise.
    Once upon a time I was obsessed with skin creams and everything skin care related, but why, isn't a hair mask made with aloe vera, coffee grounds and honey more natural, organic and healthy for your skin care?


    It's simple, we have money and we want to go out to get a product that came out last minute, how it looks, how it smells, it's already mine! make you fall prey to circumstantial, wrong and stupid obsessions.
    The desire for the object vanishes as soon as you get it, and this is the case with almost everything.
    It is very sad to go through difficult circumstances and not have the necessary savings, so, no, I do not throw everything out the window, tomorrow is uncertain, but it exists and we should all have a contingency plan to escape from unnecessary overconsumption.
    Ah!!!! and the planet, it is spendable, did you know that?

    Thanks for reading and let's wait again for week 209 topics.

    Pictures taken with Redmi Note 9C
    Presentation and Banners created in Canva
    Translator used : Deepl Translate


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