Everyone loves their native land or their village.Everyone loves their own society.My native land and my society are very dear to me, so I am always happy to work for the development of my society.I feel very happy when I see development work being done in my area.In any way, I want to be a part of the development work of my society.For example, we can stand by the people of society by removing pollution from society.In my opinion, if you can do something good for the people and society, it would be a great deed.
Another thing to note is that during the development work of the society, a lot of garbage is spread around and various places in the society are polluted.But if you want, you can prevent that pollution.For example, development work has been going on in our society for a long time because there is a big road running along one side of our society.For road development work, a lot of soil and stones have been placed inside our society like mountains.Because of that soil and rock, some places have been contaminated with plastic.
Therefore, we should all stand by developmental work.For example, we can stand by developmental work by eliminating plastic and other garbage.We must remember that every area needs to be developed and we must ensure that our areas are not polluted during development.It is natural for the government of a country to develop its regions.However, along with the government, it is the responsibility of every citizen of the society to work and contribute to the development of their area.
If you can contribute to protecting your area or your community or your planet then I would certainly appreciate your work.I would call participating in the development of society or community a noble act.For example, development work has been going on in our society for a long time, and due to development, piles of stones and earth have been placed in the society.So sometimes I visit that place and try to clean the plastics and cigarette packets lying there.Today I cleaned the garbage from that place.
Look at the pictures below because they show me cleaning up garbage in the society's development work area.
I thanks to @cleanplanet for creating this great initiative because today I am motivated to save our society.Thank you so much for visiting my Clean Planet blog.Have a wonderful day.