Some Water Experiences in Red Dead Redemption 2.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hi, I'm back with another contribution to Gaming Photography community and this time I'm going to join Gaming Photography Weekly Contest - Theme: Water Experience showing and talking about some of my Water Experiences in RDR 2.

    I was still at Mount Shann, Big Valley, WE after I discovered the unexpected cave and photographed sunrise and sunsets there. I was thinking of going more deep in that part so I didn't leave that part and now that I need to show water experiences, I started looking for a river, canal or a lake nearby.

    And I found this lake close to me where I've set my tent to have some sleep as it was getting dark soon and I didn't wish to show my water experience in the dark. Before getting to sleep, I cooked some meat and made Arthur eat it.

    It was the next morning. I noticed this man was fishing in the lake and I got the hint that legendary fishes can be found here so I thought I'd do some fishing alongside that man but a dam attracted me so let's take some photographs of it first.

    This here is the dam I was talking about and it looked cool when I was playing the game though you shouldn't get the same feeling that I had as you can't listen to the beautiful song the water was singing.

    I took Arthur at the center to take some good shots and there, I tried to do some good framing for these photos.

    Then I jumped in there to see how it reacts though it was not what I expected. I thought Arthur would fall in the slippery wood but it seemed he was okay there.

    Suddenly, it started raining there when I was trying to get shots while I stays on a rock in the lake but then I decided to get to that fisher fast as he might stop fishing as it was raining.

    But, unfortunately, I didn't have a good chat with that man as when I was about to get close to him, I was hit by a thorny animal which spooked the man and he left the place immediately.

    There was a fishing rod beside the dead tree, did that man left it here for me? Well, I can't use it as I already have a fishing rod in my inventory.

    What do you think those red colors are? Those are blood of Arthur. Yeah, he was bleeding after getting attacked by the thorny animal. I really liked how realism this part was that the blood could be seen clear in the water.

    The sudden rain stopped suddenly. Let's try to see how water reflection works in this game.

    Not bad, huh? I actually put out my rifle because I noticed bounty hunters were coming towards me and then I thought of taking some photos of him with that post of holding the gun and that's when I noticed the reflection in the water.

    Let's do some fishing now.

    There, I was putting out the fishing rod and there was already cheese attached to it as a bait. So, I threw the rope into the lake.

    Can you see the rainbow there? Man, it was amazing a moment ago. As a heavy rain was coming towards us, the rainbow was not visible properly at this moment.

    It started raining when I was trying to catch a fish. Can you see the raindrops?

    Is that??? a fish?

    Oh yes, I caught a fish and now I was reeling the rope in, to actually catch the fish and I was trying to get these good photos but unfortunately, I the fish fled as I was too busy with the camera.

    Then I tried for some more times and I caught an actual fish and you can I was holding it. That's a 1LBS Perch that I threw back in the water as I didn't mean to keep one. This fishing was only about showing you how I do it.

    The rain started becoming stronger and I really loved the rain sound in the game as it felt so real.

    I was leaving that area to get views of other water parts and I noticed this man was walking his dog and got stuck in the water. I was open to help him but he didn't ask for it.

    I suddenly noticed this waterfall and stopped there to check it out.

    I was trying to get to a stone but I slipped and fell below.

    I tried again and I slipped and fell below again.

    Then I didn't climb again, I just stayed there to take this photo.

    I went to this part of the waterfall now which was the lower part of the previous one and I took my horse later to keep him in the frame.

    But my horse jumped off the cliff without my call and it died from the fall. Now, that's a sad moment as I really liked this horse and he's been my companion for a long time.

    I removed the saddle and kept moving in wishing to find another horse, maybe a wild one or I'd hijack some ones. But a moment later, some bounty hunters came over. After killing them, I kept one of their horse as my own and I saddled him up.

    I returned to that same lake to do some more photographs in there. Let's check them out.

    I'm not sure but this animal was probably taking a bath there in the lake.

    I noticed some birds around and on the lake. Some of them were swimming around, some of them were playing around and some of them were just resting at the shore.

    They were playing around the lake but they jumped in the water noticing me.

    These boats in the lake looked cool.

    At the time of sunset when I noticed two different colors in a bit.

    Here I'm finishing the post for today and I'll come talk about more special RDR 2 gaming moments in Gaming Photography.

    "The screenshots are my take but properties of Red Dead Redemption 2."

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