Going Green Succulent Display

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Celebrating Evergreen

    Explosive Sunday, local sub-station went kaboom, no water another burst pipe or two, Oh pumps don't work either, domino effect no electricity no water pumped through. Internet undersea cabling down both east (Ivory Coast) and west coast (Red Sea), one needs to hang on tight to sanity! Let's go green, why not?

    South Africans do celebrate St Patrick's day in most cities, Durban held their beer run on Saturday where fifty tickets are sold to cater for an eventful afternoon into the night beer run, all dressed up to suite the occasion. Cape Town have parades, pub crawls with food servings offering traditional Irish meals, 'night' on the town from early afternoon. Celebrations in the larger cities with Irish presence, or small towns.


    Small Potted Garden Requiring Attention!

    Some hold happy memories and meaning, others there to behold their beauty no more no less, bringing joy to all living, seeing forty shades of green if not more. Taking the green route through succulents thriving year round.


    Donkey's Tail (Sedum morganianum) flowing down from wall pots all 60cm so high pots are required. Plants offer tiny flowering pink blooms, easy to grow being a relatively waterwise plant as well. Non-toxic to humans or animals around the home, so safely say you can grow them without a worry in the world.


    Flower Above Plant Below - Bulbine


    Bushy Bulbine or Bulbine abyssinica A.Rich., presents a wonderful yellow flower becoming black mature fruit about 4mm in size, found throughout South Africa not endemic, manages in frost and dry regions. Plant used in traditional medicine treating dysentery, bilharzia and cracked lips, as do many bulbine varieties found in Australia and South Africa.


    Panda Plant or Teddy Bear Ears

    Perhaps the velvety fuzzy soft hair on the Kalanchoe Tormentosa Chocolate Soldier turns you on in the world of succulents. Panda Plant, Teddy Bear Ears, another that lives mainly off humidity here at the coast, slow growing originated on nearby island of Madagascar, delightful envy to many who visit seeing for the first time. No other use than to look cute and cuddly.


    Zebra Haworthia Plant Above and Flower Below


    Zebra Haworthia (Haworthiopsis Attenuata) Haworthia a large genus of small succulent plants endemic to Southern Africa. Another non-toxic fun plant to have around the home indoors or outdoors, ideal for those starting out growing small succulent gardens.

    When next gifting why not a bowl of living succulent plants, what joy these small gardens bring to young and old alike.

    When your purse is no long bulging, fear not look around for some little ones to be found, plant and share!

    "Law leh Paw-drig suna ghit." "Happy St. Patrick's Day to You." Better late than never, have a happy day every day.


    All photography is my own, any queries or requests please drop a comment below, have a wonderful day!

    Thought for Today: "If you refuse to be made straight when you are green, you will not be made straight when you are dry." - African Proverb





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