Augustember in Vologda

in voilk •  4 days ago

    Last year, I was afraid of the onset of autumn due to the fact that I was hypersensitive to everything around me. This year, all the feelings seemed to turn off at the beginning of September.


    And I want everything to turn on again...but nothing works out.

    It is strange that this year the peak of the creative crisis occurred at the beginning of autumn.

    But, knowing myself, I do not see this as a creative stagnation, on the contrary, it is a harbinger of a transition to another creative wave.

    I'm good at shooting in all genres, but I don't seem to feel any response from the work I've done.

    And when there are no vivid sensations and emotions, then thoughts do not particularly come to mind.

    All the necessary conditions for street photography have been in place for more than two months, but I don't photograph much in this way.

    I, like all people, need the conditions of lack in order to arouse desire.

    Those who do not have money want money. Those who do not have freedom want it. And so on...

    And I'll want spots in sunny weather when it's cloudy.

    I'll whine that I want something when it's very little.

    Alas, this is how the essence of man works.

    The sun is also shining now, but I don't want to go and take pictures of the street.

    I want rain...but he's been gone for more than two months...

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