I am doing a bowel detox so you don't have to | Day 1

in voilk •  3 months ago

    What on earth have I gotten myself into now again. Take shakes to get rid of all kinds of crap (literally) in the bowel which most likely has been living there for a long time. But why on earth would you torture youself like that, and is it really that bad?

    A while ago a girl I know had taken this bowel detox where you have to drink a certain type of shape which cleanses the inside of the bowel. Back then I had to smile a little bit with the thought why you would go through something like that. But it ended up her not being lactose intolerant anymore, and also she had a lot of other allergies which settled down a lot for over like 2 years. Not a bad score for a week of doing something different.

    What's the deal?

    The detox what this is all about is from Vitamunda and has been around for a long time already. You can purchase this is a lot of European countries online. The deal is that during the day you take 7 different shakes which are all from natural ingredients. The base of the shakes is from fermented Oil Palm Fiber and I guess the rest is to keep you from not dying and not turning into a hungry wolf. You have the option to do a 3, a 6 or a 12 day detox. I bought 3 days but I got 6 days for no good reason, so I will see how long I will keep going with it. At least 3 over this weekend is the intention. I am expecting it not to be the best weekend of my life, haha.

    What the oil palm fiber does is go into the inner layer that is situation inside of the bowel, called 'Biofilm'. That layer has been build up over the months and years is just where all the leftovers tend to hoover, and maybe it is time to get rid of all of it once every now and then. By drinking these shakes the oil palm fiber goes into the bio film making it softer and because of that you should be able to crap it out. The deal is to get rid of the biofilm.

    What my hope is is that I will get back a bit of energy. Over the last couple of weeks I wasn't all that fit and to me that is extremely annoying. I am hoping that getting cleaned out will get rid of all the old bacteria and flush them out once and for all. Also...I am slightly hoping this will have a positive effect on my hayfever? But maybe this is wishfull thinking, but we will see what happens.

    So! How is it going

    The deal is that about two days before you start you should changing the diet already. On the first day of changing the diet you should start eating half of what you normally do (so the body can adjust already a bit) and the second day you should go over to entirely liquid food.

    The halving of the food I did and also during the second day I most ate liquid but I did have a 'normal' evening meal. I guess already the idea of consiously doing something different with your food is already helping for sure.

    Then it was time for the bags of powder. There are three different types of shakes. The morning and evening shake just around bed time, the meal shakes, and the snack shakes. Starting with the morning shake it was truly disgusting so I chugged it down asap. In retrospect it is not that disgusting but I was in a bit of a rush as well so it all need to go too fast, and that is no morning winner.

    The meal shakes are pretty okay actually and I guess it has something to do with the vanilla powder inside. Also you can add biological juice to the meal shakes so I put in some apple juice for some calories and some sugar in there.

    The snack shakes are just to keep you full and I am taking them because the getting hungry does not serve the purpose at all. They taste okay-ish best to say.

    How am I feeling after the first day of shake?

    Admittingly, I do not feel hungry at all, so the balance in there on what fills you feels good. During the first day I was still fed from the day before ofcourse so it wasn't a lot of trouble to be honest. I was able to work normally and feel pretty fine.

    I was more thirsty that I had expected which is intersting because all of these shakes already contain a crapload of fluids in there and I was also drinking tea on the side.

    But in the evening I started to get cold and I went to bed at a normal time. The cold apparently is from you starting to withdrawl from the toxins so I guess that is a good thing.

    For the first day...No complaints honestly, we can do this!

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