Beyond the Space

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Our possessions grow as we live— and it’s a continuous process. From essentials to luxury and fantasy, we all have items valuable in certain occasions, or in our daily life. We all have things that we cannot get rid of even if we want to cause they are prized possessions— perhaps some winter jackets so valuable to throw out this season or that huge teddy bear gifted by loved ones. Having items in possession isn’t the problem, but, the storage is. After all, we all live in limited space— some have the luxury to expand, but that doesn’t come cheap anyway. So, how do we keep the balance between space and belongings?

    Or, how do I do it— that’s the question.

    And yeah, I struggle a lot.

    Declutter— oh, sweet decluttering! How it saves the day!

    A quick look around the room gives me an impression of which are necessary and which aren’t. By necessary, I mean which is being used right now. Not that I shuffle my outfit every time I go outside, but again I don’t wear the same every day. Similarly, not every belonging has a purpose every day. So, I sort it out on a weekly basis. For example, I don’t need my shaver and nail cutter every day. So, they can find their place somewhere safe in the drawer with other similar items.

    And for clothes, I plan ahead what to wear the whole week, so, the rest of them, mostly coming out of the laundry, they go straight to the wardrobe in their respective places. If any of them have no use in foreseeable weeks, for instance, thick jackets or, winter hats, they can rest inside the trolley— after all, the trolley itself occupies some space. Other options aside, decluttering saves the most space as far as experience.

    But that’s not all.

    Being selective with furniture can help utilise the space to its fullest. And I am good at selecting what’s best for me and my limited space. Having a table, let’s say for using your laptop, it doesn’t have to be usual— a tabletop and supporting structure; rather, you can buy a table that has a small shelf attached. Gives you more space to relocate some books, everyday gadgets, and such.

    Personally, I do use one of them and it’s pretty handy— a sanctuary for my stray earbuds, mouse, and other essentials like room spray, water bottle, and yeah, coins that I get as changes sometimes.

    Often ignored, we leave some space unattended, mostly on top of the wardrobe and under the bed. Not that all beds have access underneath, but, as said, being selective with furniture pays off. With standard height, the empty space under the bed can easily accommodate a medium trolley with valuables within. Although cleaning raises a concern, but it’s better to spend 5 more minutes handling the trolley than throwing your belongings here and there.

    Did I say— whatever? Well, if nothing works and you are too lazy or unable to organise your things, just look at them and say— meh, whatever! Easy, solves your problem. But there is a catch— most likely you will end up with a bad vibe. Cause,

    “A disorganized workspace means disorganized work habits. A sloppy work environment equals sloppy results.”
    — Larry Winget

    So, what are you up to?

    Ⓒ mine; everything

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