An easy decision

in voilk •  3 months ago


    It's spring, George's favorite season. The time when every afternoon, after leaving work, he sits on a bench in front of the lake to wait for the sunset to arrive...

    George lets his eyes roam free without looking for anything in particular. Sometimes his gaze lingers on the birds that touch the water mirror with their beaks, or on the couples walking hand in hand in the distance.

    A small orange butterfly flutters near the bench and suddenly lands on George's leg. He looks at it uncertainly, strangely, impressed by the butterfly's confidence. As he watches it, he begins to think of Cecilia, his wife, with whom he shared more than thirty years until death took her from him. Five years have passed and George still feels the absence, he misses her...

    The butterfly takes flight, George follows it with his eyes, but his gaze stops on a woman. From afar she looks familiar to him. He walks towards her and a few meters away he realizes that it is Rebecca, a classmate from college days...

    Rebecca...! Rebecca...! George says with a tone high enough to attract the woman's attention...

    Well, if it isn't George, my old friend...! Long time no see...! Rebecca comments enthusiastically...

    But Rebecca..., we have to celebrate...! Are you in a hurry...? Will you have time for coffee...?

    Of course George...! Of course I have time...! Let's get that coffee...!


    The two friends walk along the cobblestone sidewalk to a nearby coffee shop, take a seat and start a pleasant conversation...

    And how is Cecilia, Rebecca asks...

    Cecilia passed away five years ago, George answers...

    Gee, I'm so sorry about that, Rebecca comments quietly.

    And what about your life? Tell me... George says to change the subject, so as not to go into details about Cecilia's death.

    Well, George. I am also a widow. My husband died three years ago in a plane crash. You knew him, Henry, I think he went to high school with you... Since then I've been at home most of the time, I'm retired. I like to go for walks in the evenings, go to the theater and things like that.

    Henry...! Sure... He was a good friend of mine... Answer George...

    And you... what are you up to... asks Rebecca...

    I'm still working. I had thought about retiring before Cecilia died, so that we could spend more time together... But then I decided to continue working. It helps me fill the time...

    Yes, at our ages, time can sometimes be quite long, especially if you are alone. Rebecca comments...

    After talking for a long time, the friends say goodbye...

    Gee George, this has been a wonderful meeting. I loved talking to you, I didn't expect that we had so many things in common. I hope it won't be the last time we see each other... Rebecca says with a smile on her face...

    For me it has also been a great encounter, a wonderful coincidence that we have met in this beautiful park, in this beautiful spring afternoon. I would also like to see you again. I loved being with you... George answers with joy flooding his eyes...

    After that day the two friends continued to see each other. George felt Rebecca's warmth, he loved her good treatment, he felt full of life with her. He was very enthusiastic being with her. He was sure that with Rebecca he could go further, that the two of them could start a relationship now, precisely in the autumn of their lives.


    However, at sixty-nine George had his doubts about how he would perform in intimacy. Since Cecilia's death he had not been with a woman again. He didn't know if sharing intimacy again would be like riding a bicycle, something you never forget once you learn it...Doubts plagued George's mind... He didn't dare take the final step....

    One afternoon at work he overheard a group of colleagues talking about a coffee that had aphrodisiac properties. The younger ones commented that it was a marvel. With a face full of embarrassment he asked them where they sold this coffee. And in the midst of jokes they gave him the address...

    It was not easy for George to find the place where they sold the special coffee. When he asked for it, the salesman also looked at him mischievously, as if it was a prank that a man of his age was going to try that coffee.

    George could not find the right moment to confirm if it was true everything they said about that aphrodisiac coffee...

    One morning, before leaving work, George mixed up the containers and prepared the special coffee. That day he had an important presentation before a group of executives...

    As the meeting was about to begin, he began to feel strange, the fire of passion was taking hold of him. Concentration vanished from his mind. Without a second thought he left the room where the executives would soon arrive. He grabbed his things and ran out into the street...With nervous fingers he dialed the number...

    Hello... Rebecca...! Are you at home...? Can I go there right now...?

    Sure George...! You can come whenever you want...! Rebecca answered while biting her nails...!

    Thank you for your time.

    Images edited in Photoshop.

    Translated with (free version).

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    All your comments are welcome on this site. I will read them with pleasure and dedication.

    Until the next delivery. Thank you.

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    The photos, the digital edition and the Gifs are of my authorship.

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