My Actifit Report Card: May 24 2024

in voilk •  last month

    Hey Actifitters,

    The weather yesterday stayed sunny most of the time, but a bit hot again. So just like the days before, we spent several breaks in the yard during the day. So green right now!

    And so is it behind the front yard, overgrown green trees and bushes all over.

    Because I really didn't want to fight off the mosquitoes in the forest again, we started our long walk of the day with Kaia differently. We headed towards the golf course, it had been a while since we went there.

    The clouds kinda ruined the sunset views, but again with all this green, it's very beautiful.

    I thought we'd try the forest anyways, but coming from a different side. On the way, we met a few squirrels, including this one which was really not impressed by Kaia lunging at it. That tail was impressive though.

    We used this small side entrance to the forest.

    It was a little better mosquitoes wise, but there was still a lot of them.

    Kaia quickly took the lead to a nearby exit, checking behind her often if I was still there.

    After that, we went back to the pedestrian lane around the forest. I think that will be our back up route often this summer, if the mosquitoes situation doesn't improve. At that same open field, I thought Kaia could go off-leash again. But there was a couple training three tiny dogs. It looked like they had basic small agility equipement. So even if I'm pretty confident Kaia would stay heeling, I didn't take the risk.

    And that was it for the day. I didn't even need to run around the yard, that walk was just enough to pass the bar and stay in the @poprzeczka competition a few days longer.
    As always, thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow.
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, Walking

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