Nature's bouquet! A Menifestation

in voilk •  3 months ago

    🙏Namaste to all photography lovers!

    How often does it happen that we get to see something new and beautiful every day on the same road? I once read somewhere that beauty and happiness can also be manifested just as any other thing in the world. Start the day with a smile on your face. Happiness and beauty will be seen everywhere. I took these things seriously and started the day smiling and thanking the Universe and after some time, a different and new wave of positivity started flowing through me.

    You might ask what changed?
    I would say Perspective / The way I used to see my life.

    You might say then what is the use of that?
    I would say that this change is like a strong foundation, the deeper it is held firmly, the higher and magnificent the building will be built on it.

    Now if you asked how?
    So look dear, just as the body needs food and some exercise to keep it alive and active, Similarly, positivity, confidence, happiness and peace are needed to keep the mind active and healthy. And do I need to tell you that everything you see in the world, from a pencil to aeroplanes, was first created in the mindscape. So if the mind itself is not balanced, positive and confident then the body will just keep on labouring with an unhappy unsatisfied mind.

    Today during my evening walk I saw these very small beautiful flowers.
    And suddenly the thought came to my mind how do we make a bouquet? Obviously by collecting different flowers of your choice.

    Now Imagine how nature makes its bouquet.

    And seeing the way they are arranged, it is not easy to believe that it happened just like that. Because nature manifested it! And since manifestation is not some magic, this plant also took time to get here.

    Beautiful flowers of different colours from the same bud on the same plant. I've never seen any flower like this before.

    And an interesting thing is that these flowers do not grow on any rich and popular plant (as far as I know) but on a wild plant. Neither has anyone planted this plant here nor is anyone taking care of it and you would never have seen it even in expensive flower shops.

    Either I get happy too easily or no one paid attention to them😅

    Anyways, I felt good and got good positive vibes after seeing these flowers. Because nature has arranged it for itself in such a way that it is both safe from us and happy in itself.

    So first of all I have to happily appreciate what I have and then I can confidently work for what I want in my life.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and reading it. Generally, I keep writing blogs on life, nature, gardening, food and travel.
    If you like any of these topics then you can also follow me. I deeply appreciate your comments and votes. 🙏


    1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
    2. Boarder Image by Freepik
    3. All gifs are created by @irisworld
    4. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

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    That's all for today.
    Have a Happy and Blessed day!

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