Thinking About the Environment: How Much Can I Reduce Plastic in My Life?"環境のことを考える「生活の中からどれだけプラスチックを減らすことができるのか?」[English and Japanese]

in voilk •  2 months ago


    "Thinking About the Environment: How Much Can I Reduce Plastic in My Life?"

    I know this is a big issue in our world, and I am not trying to address an enormous topic through this blog. When I looked around my house, I noticed many plastic materials. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed because this topic is so significant in our lives. However, it's better than not thinking about it at all. I am not trying to be too stoic in changing everything quickly, but I have to adjust to being as eco-friendly as I can.

    Expanding on this topic, I am also challenging myself to not accumulate too many possessions year by year. There are many reasons for this challenge, but the biggest one is simply 'I want to be light.'


    Returning to the topic of plastic, I've endeavoured to transition to non-plastic kitchen materials as much as possible. It's easy to state this intention, but it's not as simple to adopt a non-plastic kitchen lifestyle as I initially thought. For example, I like to use glass jars and containers, but they are quite heavy. If I accumulate too many jars, it appears as though glassware has overrun my kitchen. Unlike plastic containers, they cannot stack on top of each other, so I have to be cautious not to collect too many jars and bottles.


    Additionally, sometimes glass containers' lids are made of plastic, and they are easy to break, as shown in the photo. I've stopped using plastic strainers and bowls. Yes, they are heavier than plastic, but I appreciate their classic style. Moreover, I also favour glass lids, like the one in the photo. Again, they are quite heavy, but they are durable. Plus, it's easy to see inside them.


    This is a water jug. We usually drink spring water, so we need a container to fill the water. This plastic material is BPA-free. However, I believe the cap is not BPA-free.


    I stopped using plastic wrap around 6 years ago. These white plastics are for making rice balls (onigiri). I wanted to get a wooden version, but I couldn't find exactly this style in wood. I saw a different style made of wood, but I didn't like that. I don't mind making rice balls with my hands in the original Japanese style. However, this is my ego... I want to save time, so I prefer making rice balls quickly without using my hands.

    These beeswax wraps were pretty useful. I used them for a long time until they ran out. I didn't need to use plastic wrap if I used these beeswax wraps or glass containers to store food. I haven't bought plastic wraps since I stopped using them.


    I use these BPI-free compostable bags for my food waste. We typically keep our food waste outside in large compost bins until the garbage truck comes to collect it. These bags are quite useful for preventing animals from being attracted by the smell.

    We tried composting our waste instead of having it collected by the garbage truck. However, mice kept attacking our compost, so we decided to stop using it for now.


    These are my major questions and concerns. I still use some plastic containers, bags, and milk containers. Plastic containers are light and useful, but I want to switch to nicer materials someday soon. Plastic ziplock bags... are also useful, but if I look back at my past, we didn't use these plastic bags as much. I've decided to stop buying new plastic ziplock bags as a challenge. If I don't need them for a while, then maybe I don't need them anymore. I'm not sure yet, but let's see...

    Regarding milk containers, I don't think we can buy glass jars of milk in my area, but I've seen milk in large plastic bags at the supermarket. I don't drink that much milk, so refilling milk is not an option for me. My grandmother used to order milk in glass bottles, and the milk was very delicious.

    I don't have a specific conclusion for my story today, but this is my current relationship with plastic. Especially after experiencing the pandemic, people started using more plastic, unfortunately, to reduce the risk.

    Whenever I see plastic pollution issues in nature, it prompts me to think carefully about them. Anyway, I continue to reconsider my lifestyle!

    Japanese 日本語






















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