The Evolution of Education

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    School is where the journey to your future begins. It's a big learning place where students learn. It's not just about sitting in a classroom and listening to teachers talk. It's where you get to know about lots of different things. In school, you have teachers who help you understand things you didn't know before. They're guides who show you the way through all the things you can learn. Sometimes, learning can be tough, but that's okay, because in school you learn that it's okay to make mistakes.



    School is super important for some of reasons! First, it's where we learn like reading, writing and solving math problems. Without school, we wouldn't know how to do basic things we use every day. The school also teaches us important life skills, like how to manage our time, stick to a schedule, and not give up when things get tough. You learn that it's okay to make mistakes and that you can always try again. That's called being resilient, and also school is the key to success. It's also about discovering who you are and what you're good at. Maybe you're great at math or drawing. School is where you get to discover those talents and skills and learn how to use them. That's how you figure things out and get better at them. So, when you think about school, don't just see it as a place you have to go every day. See it as an adventure waiting to happen, a place where you can explore, discover, and become the best version of yourself.

    Naalad National High School


    During my elementary to high school years, I was in Naalad National High School. It was a huge place with a big covered court. That's where I made lots of friends and spent most of my time gaming and playing. I wasn't focused on school because it was modular, and I didn't do the modules. That's why my grades were below 85. But when I reached grade 10 and had face-to-face classes, I managed to improve and even got honors.

    End of Junior High



    Graduating from grade 10 was a really special time for me. I miss my friends a lot because we had so much fun together during junior high. We used to hang out, and play games like Mobile Legends, Call of Duty, and DOTA 2. I feel sad because they moved to another school in PAP. But I'm also happy because my family supported me at my graduation. Both my mom and dad were there.


    When I was in grade 5, I told my parents I was an honor student, but that was a lie. They came to the school for the graduation, expecting me to be called as an honor student, but I wasn't. It was embarrassing for them, and I felt really bad because it was my fault. I won't lie like that again. I achieved high grades and became an honor student in grade 10. I don't want my parents to have high expectations for no reason, so I'm determined to prove to them who I really am.



    Naga Senior High School

    As i enrolled in Naga Senior High School, I managed to enter this school and they welcomed me during orientation. The teachers and principal gave us notebooks and pens. I think it's ayuda from school HAHHAHAHAHA. I was happy to be there with my sister. We helped clean the school as the teachers instructed.



    Naga Senior High School is really famous in Naga, because the teachers are good at teaching and there are plenty of classrooms. Many students want to go there because of that. Plus, it's super convenient being close to the plaza!! After school, we can hang out with friends and eat some foods at Jollibee, Chowing or street foods🤤. Im craving craving some foods right now😭.

    There are also lots of different strad to choose like STEM, ABM, HUMMS, COOKERY, ICT, and SMAW. I picked STEM because I dream of becoming an engineer, and I'm good at math😅(not really).

    At Naga Senior High School, there are lots of events going on, but it all depends on the School Head Principal. Since I started going there, I've learned a lot. It's been really awesome!!!



    In grade 11, I managed to sustain the with honors, but it was tough, especially with subjects like calculus and science. which I struggle with, is English 💀. Since starting senior high school here in Naga, my grades have been improving. I've even achieved a 94 average, which was beyond my expectations. Back in junior high, getting a 90 grade was a big deal for me, but now, anything below 90 feels like a low grade. The most important thing this year is when I f my girlfriend.


    grade 12

    In my last year of high senior school, I get to pick my courses, which is exciting because it helps me explore different opportunities. We're also working on a capstone project where we create a prototype that's practical and important. It's tough, but it's a great challenge. This experience will be useful for my future, especially in college.

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