Dan's Birthday Wish - dreem-wotw Entry and Inkwell Prompt

in voilk •  4 months ago

    "Don't forget to make a wish!"

    Dan looked at his presents and cake. He looked at the decorations. Everything had a basketball theme.

    He closed his eyes, and thought hard. "Today is my day. My day to have anything I want. I wish I was the best basketball player in the world - at least for today."

    In response to the cheering, he opened his eyes and blew out the candles.

    Mom clapped hard. "You got them all! You get your wish!"

    He grinned. "I can't wait."

    "What did you wish for?" asked a voice in the crowd.

    "Don't say. Or it won't come true," called out another.

    "It's not rocket science, guys. My brother wished his team would win the championship today. Or maybe that the Bulls would win their game. Whatever it was, it was about basketball."

    After the party, Dan changed into his team's jersey. "I can't believe Dad got us into the front row! Best present ever."

    "Are you ready?" Dad asked when he walked into the living room.

    Dan smiled. "I was born ready. I'm sure glad the game is early. There's no way I could choose between going or making it to the championship game."

    Dad laughed. "Even not choosing is a choice."

    "Well I'm glad I can have both."

    Dad nodded. "It must be birthday luck. I've never heard of an NBA game starting so early."

    After they were seated, a young woman in an evening gown strolled out. The crowd roared in approval.

    She raised her microphone. "Ladies and gentleman, we have a surprise. NBA legend Michael Jordan is in attendance."

    The arena was momentarily darkened, and the spotlight shone on a VIP box. Michael Jordan smiled and waved, then the spotlight was back on the hostess.

    She waited for the arena to become quiet. "And he will be selecting one lucky person from the audience for a very special contest."

    Dad clapped Dan on the shoulder. "Rev up that birthday luck again!"

    "If I'd known about this, I'd have used my wish for it," Dan thought as he cheered with the rest of the stadium.

    At halftime the legend walked onto the basketball court, and Dan waved. The two locked eyes, for just a split second. Michael Jordan nodded before he joined the hostess.

    Dad looked at him, eyes widened. "Did he just..."

    Dan nodded. "I think so," he almost whispered.

    "Alright, who plays basketball?" asked Michael Jordan.

    The arena erupted, and Dan raised an arm, trying not to look like he was in first grade.

    Michael Jordan started on the other side of the arena, stopping many times to talk to fans.

    After what seemed like an eternity, he reached Dan. "Do you play?" he asked, offering his hand.

    Dan grasped it for a firm handshake. "Yes, Sir. My team and I play for the championship an hour after this game ends."

    The superstar smiled. "Best of luck. And remember, win or lose, just making it that far is an accomplishment."

    "Thank you, I'll remember."

    "How about a warm-up for your big game, then?" he offered, as he helped Dan over the barrier.

    Dan accepted the help. "Thanks so much!"

    "Is this real?" thought Dan, as he followed his hero over to the foul line.

    A ball was thrown, and Michael Jordan handed it to Dan, then put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "You get three tries. If you get it, you win front row tickets to every home game this year."

    Dan gasped. "Every game?"

    "Every game. I just hope none of them conflict with your own team's schedule."

    Dan dribbled the ball a couple of times, and began to aim. Michael Jordan gently turned him around. "That basket, not the one on this side."

    Dan's shoulders slumped. "I've never been able to make a basket on the other side of the court," he thought.

    Michael Jordan leaned down next to him, speaking quietly. "Don't worry. Just do your best, and relax."

    Dan took several deep breaths, and looked at the distant basket. He tuned out everything and everyone except for the basket and ball, then threw.

    The arena was silent, until the ball slid through the basket. Then the crowd was on its feet, cheering.

    Someone threw the ball back, and Michael Jordan signed it, and handed it to Dan.

    The rest was a blur, until he was seated next to Dad. Dan held the ball tightly, looking at the signature every so often.

    Dad looked at him, smiling and shaking his head at the same time. "Congratulations! I had no idea you could do that."

    Dan blushed. "It must be birthday luck."

    "More likely skill and practice."

    They enjoyed the rest of the game, cheering as loudly as the other fans when the Bulls won.

    In seemingly no time, Dan stood in front of his school. "What happened earlier is a tough act to follow."

    Dad was getting a gym bag out of the trunk. "Don't try to. Just play the way you know how to. Trust your skills and instincts."

    Dan nodded, and remained quiet.

    He reluctantly walked in. And everyone was acting normal! Excited about the game, but not flocking around him, or asking questions.

    Dad followed close behind. "They haven't seen what happened yet," he whispered.

    "That's a relief," Dan whispered back.

    When the game started, Dan found himself able to focus better than he ever had before. He didn't miss a basket or pass once!

    "Thanks to you, we actually have a chance to clean house tonight!" a teammate said, grinning.

    After making an almost impossible shot, Dan looked at the score. They literally couldn't lose. And it was because of him. "My wish came true..."

    He looked at the other team. They had been expected to win easily, and were obviously confused.

    After that, Dan tried to pass the ball to his teammates whenever possible. But they were encouraging him to shoot almost every time.

    "I wonder if this is like cheating?" he thought miserably.

    During a timeout he quietly slipped outside.

    A few seconds later, a tall man followed him.

    Dan gasped. "Michael Jordan?"

    "Yeah. I was watching, but I don't want to take the spotlight, if you know what I mean? What's wrong? You're doing great out there!"

    Dan told him.

    "No, it's not cheating. But you have exhibited a lot of sportsmanship by considering the question. Everyone has days when they just seem to be unstoppable. Usually followed by at least one when nothing goes right," he chuckled.

    "Are you sure there's nothing wrong with me playing the rest of the game?"

    "Absolutely sure. Get in there and celebrate with your team!"

    After the game one of his teammates came over, grinning. "Happy birthday! If this win is your birthday wish, we need to make sure you have a birthday on every game day."

    Dan grinned back. "We all have days when we seem to be unstoppable..."

    Cover image made in Canva Pro using their gallery

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