Latest inhabitant

in voilk •  5 months ago

    If I am the latest inhabitant I hope it will be on an island.
    Somewhere with a good temp, where it's nice and green with a stream of clear water.


    If I am that last inhabitant and can choose what to take along with me it will most likely be a book (better make it three).

    I remember this was a game once played
    Who or what to take along if you have to stay on an island?

    It's strange to hear what people come up with if it comes to taking along stuff to a deserted island.
    Perhaps a knife is the best choice unless it's a cheap one that will break as soon as I land.

    Would my life be better if I ended up with a person instead of a knife or a book? I'm not so sure about that but also don't need to make that choice since after all I am the last inhabitant and with some luck I find some animals who will accompany me or even adopt the strange bird, their latest inhabitant.

    Prompt: last inhabitant 
    I'm a mobile user only


    See here for the prompt used or see @daily.prompt

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