Arcade colony: Passive ways to earn.

in voilk •  17 days ago

    Arcade colony: Passive ways to earn.

    For last few posts, I have written about the gameplay of the Moonkarts and did a review of the Hyper rail blaster a perfect web3 arcade game that you can quickly play in your free time. Currently Hyper rail blaster in MVP mode so you can enjoy the game but no play2earn mechanics there. Today, I will like to focus on the passive income generation aspects of the game that do not require you to actively play the game and allow you to earn through the game for the assets and tokens you have.


    When you have purchased the cards in the game, but due to some reason, you are not finding time to play the game but also do not part away with the game assests then the best option for you is to stake the cards with the SCRIPT tokens, this will generate the "FUEL" for you. Currently there is no official market for FUEL, but FUEL is transferrable between Player to Player. I have seen players buying FUEL for .25 COLONY or 1 COLONY for 4 FUEL. FUEL do have demand but not all assets generate same amount of FUEL. Depending upon the rarity and type, they generate a different amount of FUEL, At current my Epic Kart generate 13 FUEL a day but my Common "power type" card generates approx 45 FUEL. So if you are not big in game assets and SCRIPT , your FUEL generation is minimal, but it can be good option if you are hoarding SCRIPT for future purchases of packs and taking a temporary break from the game.

    Next option. for earning passively in the game is to invest in the game token and put in the defi pool. At present pairing your COLONY token with SWAP.HIVE generates an APR close to 39%. I also observed that COLONY token Chart is almost flat with token trading close to .0014 SWAP.HIVE despite Hive price is going up and down in the USD. If this remain true , I guess impermanent loss will be minimal. Though the price parity cannot be guaranteed but 39% APR look good.


    As you refer to above screenshot, then you will notice that there is defi pool between COLONY and the SCRIPT but the APR of the pool does not look exciting but it may be a good option if someone always want both the game tokens always liquid to them.

    Since GLX and SPS are the governance token of Genesis league goal and Splinterlands, developed by same team, so there is pairing between them also. At Current scenario, when I am speculating some serious growth of SPS token, I would not like to put my SPS in a pool but I am thinking of pairing GLX with Colony but for this I need to unstake some GLX from my account.

    So friends, what are your thoughts about the generating passive income from the game based token economy and do write what other games you are playing to earn actively or passively.

    If you like to read my other publication in moonkarts then you can refer to my below previous posts.

    My other Publications in Moonkarts

    Arcade Colony Moonkarts: How SCRIPT, COLONY, FUEL, and game Assets make an interconnected system to fuel growth.

    Moonkarts: Gameplay looks fantastic.

    Step-by-Step Guide: How to use Market in Arcade Colony's Moonkarts.

    Arcade Colony: Step by step process to generate FUEL in Moonkarts

    Moonkarts: Let burn FUEL and rule the COLONY.

    Arcade Colony: My thoughts on buying more SCRIPT token.

    Moonkarts: Let's get the excitement of pack opening with me.

    Arcade Colony: Progressing in the Game Leaderboards and witnessing market appreciation of my assets.

    Need to know more?

    If you like to know more about the game then you can read the official Help guide in the below link.

    In case you need to talk to the fellow players and like to interact with the game developers or like to further deep dive into the game, then I will say you will surely check the Game Discord

    Need Support in the Game.

    If help articles and hanging out in discord did not help you in resolving your query and issue then feel free to log the official Support Ticket

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