in voilk •  3 months ago

    WhatsApp Image 2024-04-14 at 12.00.39 AM.jpeg

    Hello, dear friends of this beautiful community, I hope you are all feeling great.
    Today I want to share with you about a little visit I made to a coworker who recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, and I went with my friend @lifeblue to meet her, since she was going on a trip soon and wanted to meet the girl before leaving.

    And well, she had a very beautiful baby girl, pink and very sweet eater, my friend tells us that it has not been easy to be a new mother, among other things that as a new mother is very over protective with her princess, but it is understandable because every mother takes care of her baby in her own way.


    Hola, queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad, espero que todos se encuentren muy bien.
    Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes sobre una pequeña visita que le hice a una compañera del trabajo que dio a luz hace poco a una hermosa niña, y fui con mi amiga @lifeblue a conocerla, ya que ella se iba pronto de viaje y quería conocer a la niña antes de irse.

    Y bueno, tuvo una bebe muy hermosa, rosa dita y muy comelona, mi amiga nos cuenta que no ha sido nada fácil ser madre primeriza, entre otras cosas que como madre primeriza es muy sobre protectora con su princesa, pero es entendible porque cada madre cuida a su bebe a su manera.

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    When I saw her it gave me a lot of happiness, it even made me want to have one ha, ha, ha, ha ... but then one lands in reality is another, when I carried her I was very scared, my face was scared even though I have a child already 10 years old, it was like my first time to carry her, I had 10 years that I had not carried a baby ha, ha, ha, ha ...

    And I was afraid that her mother would not like how I carried her, since all mothers, especially when it is the first one, take care of who they carry and how they carry her... and I was afraid that her mother would not like the way I was holding her, since every mother, especially when she is a first time mother, is very careful about who is holding her and how she holds her, she gave me the privilege of holding her baby, but I was, I was scared. And how are you holding your friends' babies?


    Al verla me dio mucha felicidad hasta me dio ganas de tener una ja, ja, ja... pero luego una aterriza en la realidad es otra, cuando la cargue me dio mucho miedo, mi cara era de asustada a pesar de que tengo un niño ya de 10 años fue como que mi primera vez al cargarla, tenía 10 años que no cargaba un bebe ja, ja, ja...

    Y me daba miedo que a su mamá no le gustará como la cargaba, ya que todas las madres y más cuando es primeriza cuida mucho de quien la carga y como la carga, ella me dio el privilegio de cargar a su bebe, pero yo estaba, era asustada. Y ¿a ustedes como les va cargando a los bebes de sus amigas?

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